NARFE Federation Overview

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1 NARFE Federation Overview
Strategic Planning Committee & Strategic Planning Team October 11, 2017 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

2 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

3 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Federations vary widely in number of members, geographic size and resources National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

4 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Federation leadership in crisis National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

5 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Fiduciary responsibility of federations is to provide service to all members National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

6 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Number of vulnerable federations has grown National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

7 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Federal benefits growing in complexity National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

8 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Background Pressing need for updated, streamlined existing guidance and additional guidance on finance and budget National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

9 Strategic Planning Focus
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

10 Strategic Planning Committee and Team focused on:
Defining minimum roles and responsibilities of federation to best support the Association mission National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

11 Strategic Planning Committee and Team focused on:
Defining perceived strengths at federation level and strengths of headquarters National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

12 Strategic Planning Committee and Team focused on:
Providing national guidance to ensure federation budgets/expenditures are aligned to support the Association’s mission National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

13 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Perceived Strengths National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

14 Perceived Strengths: Federations
Organize and direct grassroots advocacy efforts Guide field [state and local] face to face member recruitment Be the local champion, supporter and face of NARFE Communicate to the field and from the field to RVPs and Board FEDERATIONS National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

15 Perceived Strengths: Headquarters
MARKETING: Branding, direct response member recruitment and retention and non-dues revenue ADVOCACY: National legislative affairs-Federal lobbyists, PAC and grassroots FEDERAL BENEFITS KNOWLEDGE: Expert, timely, accurate benefits information and guidance delivered in multiple ways National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

16 Federation Minimum Roles & Responsibilities
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

17 Federation Requires a President and Secretary/Treasurer
Serve members, to the extent possible, within three mission-driven leadership roles: Advocacy Federation level membership marketing Service to members National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

18 Federation Organizes & Directs Grassroots Advocacy Efforts
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

19 Federations and Member Dues
Support NARFE’s core activities Advocacy Member recruitment/retention Service National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

20 Federation Core Activity: Communications
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

21 Federation Core Activity: Training
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

22 Federation Core Activity: Financial Aid
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

23 Federation Core Activity: Support Chapters
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

24 Federation Core Activity: Support and Encourage Field Retention
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

25 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Federation Core Activity: Refer Member to Expert Information Sources of Federal Benefits and Compensation Information National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

26 Thank you Jon Dowie, Secretary/Treasurer
Chair: Strategic Planning Team and Strategic Planning Committee National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association

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