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7th Grade Instructions Utilize your books and notes to complete the study guide Begin with the Philosophers Chart on the back (PART III) Complete the following.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Instructions Utilize your books and notes to complete the study guide Begin with the Philosophers Chart on the back (PART III) Complete the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Instructions Utilize your books and notes to complete the study guide Begin with the Philosophers Chart on the back (PART III) Complete the following two pages (Part I and II) When you have complete the study guide/review sheet do the following on a separate sheet of paper (you will be allowed to use this on the Test: Essay preparation Explain John Locke’s and Thomas Hobbes’ opposing theories of government (hint: you will should include the following terms/ideas). – Social Contract, Natural Law, Tabula Rasa, Man’s violence/selfishness, Life…Liberty…Property, and English Civil War/Glorious Revolution Compare the works/ideas of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire with the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Bill of Rights. What ideas directly/indirectly influenced our government? (pgs ) Answer Questions 2-11 on pg. 123 for Lesson 1 (Scientific Revolution)

2 Thomas Hobbes Influenced by the English Civil War
Believed in Natural Law Absolute Monarchy = the best form of government Humans were naturally violent and selfish Wrote the Leviathan Influenced: Created the political theory known as Absolutism Absolutist rulers like Frederick II, Maria Theresa, and Peter the Great

3 John Locke Humans were not naturally violent and selfish
Tabula Rasa – People born with a blank slate/mind shaped by experiences Influenced by the Glorious Revolution Believed purpose of government was to protect people’s rights Believed in Natural Law + Natural Rights Life, Liberty, and Property All Governments were based on a Social Contract If Governments broke the contract people have a right to rebel/change government Wrote the Two Treatises of Government Influenced: Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence Rousseau and ideas about limited government

4 Baron de Montesquieu Liked the Limited Government of England
Recommended three branches of government Executive (Monarch), Legislative (Parliament), and Judicial (Courts) Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Wrote The Spirit of the Laws Influenced: The U.S. Constitution and other constitutions Ideas about limited government

5 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Influenced by John Locke Believed in a Social Contract People in the society agree to be governed by laws and rules created by the people General Will (or majority rule, supermajority, consensus) should create laws Believed people should use Reason and their Emotions Believed people were basically good Children should be educated on their duty as citizens (Civic Virtue – HEY SOCIAL STUDIES!!!) Wrote The Social Contract Influenced: The U.S. Constitution Ideas about limited government

6 Francois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
Opposed the government favoring one religion and forbidding others Criticized Roman Catholic Church for restricting knowledge to keep church power Supported Deism – God created universe and stepped back to allow natural law Influenced: Freedom of Religion

7 Denis Diderot Committed to spreading Enlightenment ideas
Religion, government, science, history, art Wrote Encyclopedia 28 Volumes over 20 years Influenced: Freedom of Religion People who wanted a fairer society for people

8 7th Grade Instructions Answer Questions 2-11 on pg. 123 for Lesson 1 (Scientific Revolution)

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