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How To Solve Software Failure Issues By I FIX PC

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1 Website:

2 SOFTWARE ISSUES While working on your pc or laptop, if your device suddenly stop, screen freezes, application stops or the blue screen appeared then device’s software is crashed or failed. Sometimes, while working on the device some program may hang or crash. If the program is a critical part of operating system then it can cause a fatal system crash. Some times it is caused due virus or Trojan or may be error in coding.

3 SYMPTOMS There are lots of symptoms of software failure like slow processing, applications are taking more than a minute to open, applications are stopped unexpectedly, internet explorer doesn’t work, slowing down of internet, unexpected popup, etc.

4 OTHER ISSUES DUE TO SOFTWARE FAILURE Computer restart again and again. Peripheral commands interpreted incorrectly. Slowdown of internet. Downloading takes lots of time. Attachments won’t open. Blue Screen of death. Popup ads. Google performing oddly

5 Troubleshoot To prevent your device from software malfunction or crash then try to remove all viruses and spyware. Reinstall Operating System, install best anti virus, backup your files and data, restore windows from CDs that came with the computer

6 THANK YOU For more details visit our Website

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