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Google search not working on pc. Google Google is basically an American company Google is specialises in internet services Google have internet services.

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Presentation on theme: "Google search not working on pc. Google Google is basically an American company Google is specialises in internet services Google have internet services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google search not working on pc

2 Google

3 Google is basically an American company Google is specialises in internet services Google have internet services and products like : Cloud computing Search Software and hardware

4 Google Google’s rapid growth has triggered a chain of products, google search Google offers services designed for work and productivity

5 Google search not working on chrome

6 Google search not working on pc Sometimes google search stop working on the your pc It is due to malware or any kind of virus on your system User don’t know about the virus or malware on their system

7 Cont.. The only thing happen that what they search is not searching on their pc There may be attack of trojans horses on your pc with the back door files User perform the activities but not aware about the virus That’s why google search is not working on pc

8 How to repair chrome if it is not working

9 Steps to repair google chrome Step 1 user have to fix the chrome crash like : Close every other tab which are running User have to quit all the programming which are running on pc User have to pause the downloading of files

10 Cont.. Another way user have to restart their pc or restart their chrome

11 Step 2 : user have to troubleshoot the problem of pc User have to check the malware of the pc User have to try to open the page in other browser

12 User have to fix network issues and report website problems Step 3 Now the last way if the chrome is not working on pc user have to adjust the antivirus and check the malware Check if chrome is already open

13 Cont.. Lastly user have to restart their pc And if also chrome is not working then user have to uninsatll or reinstall the chrome on their pc If the user is facing issue then they can call to the google chrome tech support number to sort out their problem.

14 Thankyou

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