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Section 2.2 Conquest and Colonies

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1 Section 2.2 Conquest and Colonies

2 Spain Builds an Empire Spain in the Caribbean
The Caribbean was the first area colonized by the Spanish they used the encomienda system systeencomienda m – When land was taken over in the name of the king. The individual claiming the land was given control of the land and Native Americans who lived their teaching Christianity-part of the Native Americans were to be taught Christianity Disastrous for Natives Overwork, mistreatment, diseases (smallpox, tuberculosis, measles)  millions of Native Americans died

3 The Conquest of Mexico (Aztecs)
Some moved to mainland to setup colonies Hernan Cortes – defeated Aztecs – conquistador – a conqueror Moctezuma II – ruled Aztecs Reasons for Aztec defeat The Aztecs were disliked among natives Alliances-Native woman named Malinche became a translator for Cortes. This allowed him to form key alliances. Superior Weapons-Metal weapons, armor, & guns Horses 500 Nations (part 1: start at 45:05)

4 Conquest of Peru (Incans)
10 years later Francisco Pizarro – Conquistador who defeated the Inca in Peru (wealth) Peru- Inca had been weakened by disease, the old emperor had died Atahualpa – new emperor Pizarro/Atahualpa meet 1532 Pizarro demanded that Atahualpa to accept Christianity and hand over empire. When Atahualpa refused he was taken prisoner & later killed

5 Life in Spanish Empire Viceroys– was the name given to the huge territories rule by the kings representative in the New World. The term Viceroy also referred to the individual who ruled the colonies in king’s name The Spanish colonial economy was based on the MINING OF GOLD AND SILVER & farming The Population in the territories rule by the Spanish in the New World decreased from 50 million to 4 million. Bartolome de Las Casas – Spanish priest who suggested African workers replace the Native American workers because the had immunities to European diseases. His intent was to stop the genocide of Native American. However, his suggestion initiated a new Genocide in Africa

6 The Portuguese in Brazil
The Portuguese Empire in the New World was not as large as Spanish Empire as a result of the Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494, Imaginary line through Atlantic. The line extended from the North Pole to the South Pole. The territory to the west of this imaginary line would be settled by the Spanish while the Area to the East would be settle by the Portuguese As a result of this treaty, the SPAINISH territory in the new world was MUCH LARGER than the PORTUGUESE TERRITORY

7 French, Dutch, and English Colonies in the Americas
New France Present day Canada Fish & fur Only traders went Allies with Natives, some married (not slaves) Explored south Samuel de Champlain – founded city of Quebec (1st French Settlement) LaSalle-Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico (Louisiana)

8 The Dutch (New Netherland) (economy based on trade)
Hudson River valley New Amsterdam – New York City Focused on other colonies around world English Colonies (New England)(based on agriculture:Tobacco) 1607 – 1st – Jamestown 80% died during first winter 1620 – Pilgrims – Plymouth, MA Escape religious persecution Distrust & anger with natives British-French Conflict Tension in Ohio River valley War broke out 1754 French had native allies – French and Indian War English took Quebec, French surrendered Tax from war causes American Revolution

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