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Early Human Migration Chapter 2.2

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1 Early Human Migration Chapter 2.2
Main Ideas: People moved out of Africa as the earth’s climates changed. People adapted to new environments by making clothing and new types of tools. The Big Idea: As people migrated around the world they learned to adapt to new environments.

2 People Move Out of Africa
Climate patterns changed so people began to migrate, or move, to new places. These freezing times is called the Ice Ages; which ended about 10,000 years ago. Since water froze, leaving water levels lower, people could migrate across a land bridge- a strip of land connecting two continents.

3 Settling New Lands According to the map, which continent did humans reach last?

4 People Adapt to New Environments Clothing and Shelter
Clothing= animal skins Later Shelters: Early Shelters= Caves - tents made of animal skins First Human-made Shelters= pit houses - wood, stone, clay and even bone houses

5 Primary Source Activity!
Why might a scientist change his or her mind about a long-held belief?

6 New Tools and Technologies
People adapted to new environments with new types of tools. Mesolithic Era- Middle Stone Age Lasted from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago. Smaller tools/more complex Bone and stone tools Hooks and fishing spears Bow and arrow New Technologies Made canoes by hollowing out logs. Canoes used to travel. Pottery Dogs for hunting and protection

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