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Ch 25 Sec 2: Industrialization

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1 Ch 25 Sec 2: Industrialization

2 Purpose: Understand the impact of Industrialization on society
State Standards:

3 Life during the Industrial Revolution
Growth of Cities Living Conditions Working Conditions Class Tensions

4 Living Conditions: No plans, no sanitary codes, no building codes
None of the following: adequate housing, education, police, garbage service, paved roads, drains


6 Living Conditions As a result sickness was widespread Avg. Life Span:
City Life (urban): 17 Country life (rural): 38

7 5 cent lodging 5 cent lodging *Immediate social effect of industrialization is poor living conditions in cities 7

8 Working Conditions 14 hour days/ 6 days per week
Factories wanted to keep the factories open as long as possible (why??)

9 Working Conditions *Jobs in the factories during the Industrial Revolution *Many jobs were dangerous *Wages were low *Jobs were often boring and repetitious

10 Working Conditions Factories were unsafe: Poorly lit Unclean
Dangerous environment Unstable boiler rooms Coal Dust Limbs lost in machinery No aid for injuries This cartoon shows the suffering below made possible by the easy living above. Mention the Jungle by Upton Sinclaire 10

11 Child Labor Factory and Mine bosses used children Child Labor
*Size could fit in machines *Dexterity ability to move quickly and nimbly *Already in work force on farms, so parents accept child labor in factories and mines

12 Horrible History Child Labor

13 Class Shifts in Society of the Industrial Revolution
Before: landowners and the aristocracy were on top Now: Middle class emerges and becomes richer; however landowners still look down on this class because they got rich in the “vulgar business world”

14 Class Tensions… Factory owners got rich Middle Class forms made up of:
Merchants Shippers Skilled workers Professionals Wealthy Farmers Businessmen

15 Middle Class… *The middle class underwent enormous expansion because of the Industrial Revolution Opportunities for education and democratic participation arise

16 Middle Class Not rich or poor Upper middle
Doctors, Lawyers, Factory Owners, Government Officials Lower Middle Tool makers, Factory Overseers

17 Life during the Industrial Revolution
New jobs created Contributed to wealth of nation Increased Production of goods Raised Standard of Living *Electricity increased the length of the workday *Society was more connected through use of new technologies *Goods were transported more efficiently due to steam engine

18 Life during the Industrial Revolution
Better diets, housing, cheaper clothing Education opportunities expanded for different positions

19 Impact of Industrialization
Rise of Global Inequality Overuse of Natural Resources Abuse of Environment Eventually Lower Classes Win Better Pay Better Working Conditions Shorter Hours

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