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The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe & the Americas

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1 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe & the Americas

2 Conquest in the Americas
Conquistadors: Spanish conquerors Columbus: Hispaniola (Dominican Republic & Haiti), Cuba, & Puerto Rico The Spanish had weapons (guns and cannons), armor, horses, and disease. The Spanish brought smallpox, measles, and influenza. The Native Americas has no immunity or resistance and thus millions died

3 Cortes Conquers Mexico
Cortes arranged alliances with other tribes that hated the Aztecs. They then helped Cortes and his men fight the Aztecs. Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, did not know if the leader of the pale-skinned strangers was Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec king-god that vowed to return. After a great deal of fighting between the Aztecs, multiple Spanish groups, and other Native American groups. The Aztec city of Tenochtitlan was destroyed and the Spanish later built Mexico City on the ruins.

4 Pizarro Takes Peru Francisco Pizarro from Spain, along with other Indian tribes slaughtered many Incas and captured the Incan ruler Atahualpa. The Incas paid the ransom for him, but the Spanish killed him anyway. After conquering Peru, the Spanish continued to Ecuador and Chile. Then conquered much of South America.

5 Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in the Americas
A council ruled in the name of the king. Land stretched from California to South America. The Catholic Church and other Christians sent missionaries to convert the Native Americans to Christianity. Introduced European clothing, Spanish language, and crafts. Trade Gold and silver sent from Spanish America to Spain was the most profitable Sugar cane became profitable when it was introduced to the West Indies Encomienda Right to demand labor from Native Americans-if they resisted they were killed Las Casas, a priest, spoke out against the poor treatment. Spain then passed laws to forbid the horrible treatment and enslavement, but Spain was too far away to enforce the laws. Las Casas urged colonists to import workers from Africa, he regretted it later because of the harsh treatment given to African slaves.

6 Colonial Society and Culture
African, European, and Native cultures began blending throughout the Americas The Portuguese Colony in Brazil Peninsulares-people born in Spain Portugal claimed the eastern portion of South America. They named the area Brazil, after the brazil wood that produced an important dye. Creoles-American born descendants of Spanish settlers Mestizos (Native Americans and Europeans) and Mulattoes (African and European) Native Americans and African descent

7 Struggle for North America Building New France
Jacques Cartier, a French explorer discovered the St. Lawrence River while exploring the eastern coast of Canada. He then claimed the land for France. Native Americans helped the French and the French American empire stretched from Quebec to Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico. Due to the weather, many French became trappers and fur traders. The harsh climate did slow the population of many French settlers moving to the area. Struggle for North America Building New France

8 The English Colonies 1st English settlement was at Jamestown, Virginia in Many died from disease and starvation. In 1620, Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Pilgrims came for religious freedom and signed the Mayflower Compact, an early step to self-governing. The colonies began growing as the colonists started new industries and cultivated new crops to trade with those in England. English colonists were overseen by royal governors, though they did have some freedoms. American colonists did began to protest British policies.

9 The Atlantic Slave Trade
Goods from America, furs, sugar, molasses, cotton, and rum were shipped to Europe. Europe Goods (guns, cloth, cash) brought to Africa, traded for slaves North America Africa Middle Passage, the slaves were taken to America and traded for products.

10 Horrors of the Middle Passage
Men, women, and children were bound with chains and ropes. Many died along the way, many tried to escape. Many died from disease. It could be dysentery, smallpox, and in many cases enslaved Africans died from committing suicide.

11 Effects of Global Contact
Columbian Exchange-exchange between the Americas and Spain, started with Columbus New to Europe Corn, Potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers New to Americas Wheat, grapes, bananas, sugarcane Cattle, pigs, goats, chickens, horses, and donkeys Pros: In some parts of the world population increased greatly with the spread of new foods. Cons: Spread of European diseases caused many people, mainly Native Americans, to die and populations to decrease.

12 A Commercial Revolution
Inflation- a rise in prices due to the amount of money available Capitalism- Economic system in which most businesses are owned privately Entrepreneurs- People who take a financial risk to make a profit Mercantilism-Policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported, to build it’s supply of silver and gold Tariffs- taxes on imported goods

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