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What is Psychology??? A Brief Discussion on the Subject!!!

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1 What is Psychology??? A Brief Discussion on the Subject!!!
If you’d like to know more, please don’t drop this class

2 What is psychology? Definition
From the Greek terms psyche meaning mind or soul and logos meaning study of Thus, the study of the mind/soul

3 Prior to the 1920s The study of the mind Structuralism (Titchener)
Functionalism (William James)

4 From the 1920s to 1960s The scientific study of observable behavior
Behaviorism (John B. Watson)

5 Current definition The systematic, scientific study of behavioral and mental processes of human and other animals (This is Dr. Zimbardo, Stanford University)

6 Goals of modern psychology
1) Describe 2) Explain 3) Predict 4) Control behavior 5) Improve the quality of life

7 Psychologist have two major ways of gathering and disseminating knowledge:
Basic Psychologist study phenomenon for the accumulation of accurate knowledge Where might a basic psychologist work? Applied psychologist find solutions to practical problems Where might an applied psychologist work?

8 Subfields of Psychology: Chart:
Within your BBP, create a chart like the one below: As we do our notes, fill in the chart. Approach to Psychology What is it??? (Define) Where might it apply???

9 Subfields of Psychology: Biological
Study of how biological factors influence thought and behavior.

10 Subfields of Psychology: Developmental
Study of how people’s mental processes and behavior change over a lifetime.

11 Subfields of Psychology: Cognitive
Study of how the actual thought/cognitive process leads us to make judgements or determine behavior.

12 Subfields of Psychology: Engineering
Study of how to design better equipment based on human factors.

13 Subfields of Psychology: Personality
Study of how individuals are similar to and different from each other.

14 Subfields of Psychology: Clinical/Counseling
Practice of trying to understand the causes of and to change abnormal behavior.

15 Subfields of Psychology: Community
Practice of working to obtain psychological services for people within a community or to change systems to be more accommodating to people in need of psychological services.

16 Subfields of Psychology: Health
Study of how behavior effects health and how health effects behavior.

17 Subfields of Psychology: Education/School
Study of how to improve teaching and learning strategies.

18 Subfields of Psychology: Social
Study of how group and individual dynamics are impacted within a group

19 Subfields of Psychology: Industrial/Organizational
Study of how to maximize productivity and workplace efficiency.

20 Subfields of Psychology: Quantitative
Study of statistical tools to analyze research data.

21 Subfields of Psychology: Sports/Performance
Study and practice of how to get the best possible performance from athletes or other persons.

22 Subfields of Psychology: Forensic
Practice of working within the legal system and advising judges and attorneys in various facets.

23 Subfields of Psychology: Environmental
Study of how our environment effects our psychological health.

24 Career Essay: Think of your career objective (Don’t have one? Make one up). In this essay (5 paragraphs, etc…) , you will explain how that career might require at least a basic knowledge of different areas of psychology and how those areas will apply to your career. (Due Friday 9/11)

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