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THIS IS Jeeparty!. THIS IS Jeeparty! With Your Host... Mr. Farrell.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeeparty!. THIS IS Jeeparty! With Your Host... Mr. Farrell."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeeparty!

3 With Your Host... Mr. Farrell

4 Sikhism Indus River Valley Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Random 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 Why do we know little about the Indus River Valley civilization?

6 We do not understand their writing

7 The native peoples of India are known as __________ and the invaders were ___________

8 Dravidians, Aryans A 200

9 How do we know Indus Valley cities were carefully planned?

10 Streets intersecting at right angles, regular sized bricks, plumbing systems, etc.

11 The Aryans invaded India through what Pass?

12 Khyber Pass A 400

13 Where in India did Aryan people generally live
Where in India did Aryan people generally live? Where were the Dravidians forced to? A 500

14 North, South A 500

15 What is Brahman? B 100

16 Oneness B 100

17 What is moksha B 200

18 The release from the cycle of rebirth, samsara

19 How are karma and dharma used as a justification for the caste system?
B 300

20 The caste people are born into is determined by their karma
The caste people are born into is determined by their karma. Karma is achieved by following dharma B 300

21 Hinduism’s origins are unique amongst world religions
Hinduism’s origins are unique amongst world religions. Explain this statement. B 400

22 Hinduism is a blending of Indus Valley, Dravidian, and Aryan traditions

23 Hinduism is not easily described as polytheistic or monotheistic
Hinduism is not easily described as polytheistic or monotheistic. Explain this statement. B 500

24 While Hindus believe in many gods, they are all part of Brahman

25 What did Siddhartha Gautama become known as?

26 Buddha C 100

27 What part of Hinduism did Buddha find unacceptable?

28 Caste system C 200

29 What can be achieved by following the Eightfold Path?

30 Nirvana C 300

31 Summarize the Four Noble Truths
C 400

32 The world is full of suffering, suffering is from desire, relief from suffering is possible by abandoning desire C 400

33 How do Buddhists differ from Hindus on the soul?
C 500

34 Hindus believe in the atman, the eternal soul, while Buddhists do not
C 500

35 What do Jains call the soul?

36 Jiva D 100

37 What is karma in Jainism?
D 200

38 Entanglement in the material world

39 What is the purpose of the Great Vows?
D 300

40 To disentangle one’s self from the material world

41 What is ahimsa? How do Jains practice it?

42 Non-violence, doing harm to no living thing

43 What is the goal of Jainism?
D 500

44 To escape the cycle of rebirth by avoiding karma

45 Sikhism was founded amidst conflict between what two religions?

46 Hinduism and Islam E 100

47 Are Sikhs monotheistic or polytheistic?

48 Monotheistic E 200

49 What is karma in Sikhism?
E 300

50 The moral law of cause and effect

51 Sikhs follow the ten gurus. What does guru mean?

52 Teacher E 400

53 What are the 5 Ks? E 500

54 Kesh, Kangha, Kirpan, Kara, Katchera

55 What is the second most popular religion in India?
F 100

56 Islam F 100

57 Dalits are commonly known as what?
F 200

58 Untouchables F 200

59 What is the highest caste. What do they traditionally do
What is the highest caste? What do they traditionally do? From what body part were they created? F 300

60 Brahimns, priests, mouth
F 300

61 Who are the three “trinity” gods in Hinduism?
F 400

62 Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma F 400

63 How is the role of gods different in Hinduism and Buddhism?

64 Gods are part of Brahman in Hinduism; gods exist in Buddhism but are not at the top of the cosmos

65 The Final Jeopardy Category is: The Middle Colonies
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

66 Click on screen to continue
Name three ways the Middle Colonies combined characteristics of the New England and Southern Colonies Click on screen to continue

67 Click on screen to continue
Answers Click on screen to continue

68 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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