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Front of Game Pieces Diffusion Sui Yuan Humanism Scholar-gentry

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1 Front of Game Pieces Diffusion Sui Yuan Humanism Scholar-gentry
Charlemagne Mandate of Heaven Kublai Khan Charles “The Hammer” Martel Written to protect rights of nobles in England Most important Carolingian Emperor Muslim traveller & legal scholar who criticized African women Holy Roman Emperor Otto 1 al-Andalus Magna Carta Ibn Battuta Junks Islamic political leader Cahokia Largest urban center in North America Large Chinese trade ships Caliph Landowning class in China; produced govt. employees Spread rapidly along trade routes Diffusion Bubonic Plague Spread of ideas, technology, and diseases from one region to the next Chinese dynasty that built the Grand Canal Sui Melakka Mansa Musa Byzantine law code influenced by Roman tradition Japan Pax Mongolica Ming Dynasty Time of secure trade routes across Eurasia Front of Game Pieces Justinian’s Code Sponsored Zheng He’s voyages, & completed the Great Wall Mongols failed to conquer this country Yuan Eastern Orthodox Branch of Christianity in Byz Empire, spread to Russia Peasants legally bound to their land Muhammed Chinese dynasty ruled by Mongols Serfs Khan Practice that inhibited upper-class women in post-classical China Chinese dynasty that persecuted Buddhism Golden Horde Eastern part of the Roman Empire

2 Tang Social practice used by Russian princes over their peasants Veiling Mongol rulers of Russia footbinding Byzantine Empire Great Schism Organization of merchants or artisans that controlled the means of production Social practice that Arabs adopted from Persia & Mesopotamia Bushido Vasco Da Gama Division of Christendom into Orthodox & Catholic Churches Guilds Portugal Zheng He Central Asian nomads who migrated into Middle East First European explorers in the Atlantic & Indian Oceans Led voyages to build China’s prestige in Indian Ocean Turks Serfdom Horse collar South American mandatory labor system, exploited by Spanish Economic mismanagement of the Persian Ilkhanate Chinese invention that helped maximize animal labor Mita Inflation Genghis Khan Feudal manors Paper currency developed by Song dynasty Hansa Sufis Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Intra-regional trade network of northern Europe Front of Game Pieces Sudanic Kingdoms in W. Africa made rich by gold-salt trade Mystics who spread Islam into India and SE Asia Flying money Revival of learning and art in Europe starting in the 1400s Wars that led to increased cultural diffusion between Europe and the East Renaissance Crusades Held political power in feudal Japan Shogun Silla Kingdom of Korea Battle of Tours Porcelain Islamic law code Traditional religion in North America & Sub-Saharan Africa Trans-Sahara

3 Baghdad Front of Game Pieces Animism Champa
Trade network where slaves & gold were exchanged for salt & textiles African practice of tracing one’s lineage along the mother’s side Champa New major export from China Shariah Animism Neo-Confucianism Trade centers on East African coast Fast-growing rice from Vietnam, caused pop. Boom in China patriarchy Christendom Arose as a response to the spread of Buddhism in China Swahili city-states Created cultural and linguistic ties in sub-Saharan Africa Vikings Axum (Ethiopia) Bantu migrations Expanded throughout N Europe with their sea-faring strength Christian trading kingdom in east Africa Matrilineal Capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate Indian Ocean Maritime Trade Network Mamluks Baghdad Gothic Cathedrals Trade network where the compass & lateen sails were diffused Turkish slave-soldiers that rebelled against the Abbasids. mosque Aztec agricultural innovation of floating gardens Sultanate of Delhi Major Andean civilization of the Post Classical Era Ottoman Turks Muslim Turk rulers of northern India Front of Game Pieces Sunni Muslims that conquered the Byzantines and formed in modern day Turkey Incas chinampas People unified under the Muslim faith Traditional Japanese belief based on veneration of nature and ancestors Shinto quipu Tribute payment Dar al Islam Incan form of record keeping, consisting of series of knots 5 Pillars of Islam kowtow polytheism Samurai Mongols

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