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 European Kingdoms  Africa (Songhai state)  Gunpowder States (Ottomans, Safavids, Mughals)  Asia (China & Japan)  American Civilizations (Aztecs,

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Presentation on theme: " European Kingdoms  Africa (Songhai state)  Gunpowder States (Ottomans, Safavids, Mughals)  Asia (China & Japan)  American Civilizations (Aztecs,"— Presentation transcript:


2  European Kingdoms  Africa (Songhai state)  Gunpowder States (Ottomans, Safavids, Mughals)  Asia (China & Japan)  American Civilizations (Aztecs, Inca)  Trade Networks / Product Origins

3  Holy Roman Empire  Location: Northern Italy and German States  Close ties to the Catholic Church  Ruled by the Hapsburgs (Charles V)

4  Wins 100 Years War  Emerges as most powerful continental nation state under the Capetian dynasty

5  Norman Conquest results in Anglo-Saxon/French culture  Loss in 100 Years War ends British claim to the continent  Henry VIII (a Tudor King) is the current ruler  Parliament controls the money

6  Reconquista reestablishes Christian European dominance over Moors (Muslims)  Spanish Armada is major force  Beginning exploration of the Americas

7  Ivan III unites Ruscovite principalities  Overthrows Mongols  Russian Orthodox culture

8  Songhai  Controlled the Gold- Salt trade  Islamic religion  Timbuktu: Islamic Cultural Center and city

9  Ottomans (Today’s Turks)  Conquer Byzantines in 1453 (Constantinople becomes Istanbul)  Empire on 3 continents (Asia, Europe and Africa) united by Islam  Take Balkans up to Vienna  Sunni Muslims  Trade in coffee and ceramics


11 Decline of the Ottoman Empire  1798-1920 Nation state of Turkey emerges

12  Location=Southwest Asia (Iran today)  Religion=Islam (Shi’ite/Shi’a)  Silk Trade


14  Location= North and Central Indian subcontinent  Religion=Islam, but the people are mostly Hindu Establish trade with Europeans along SW coast (Portuguese, English, Dutch)

15  Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in 1629

16  Overthrow Mongols  Explorations of Admiral Zheng He  Beijing and Forbidden City  Establish European trade enclaves to limit outside influences

17  Ming Empire in 1580 CE

18  Tokugawa Shogunate unifies feudal Japan (Muskets)  Social Pyramid :Emperor, Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai, Peasants (strict)  Isolationist (Act of Seclusion)

19 Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants

20  Location= Central Mexico  Capital city=Tenochtitlan


22  Location= western South America  Capital city=Cuzco

23  Society=hierarchical, led by Emperor  Religion= polytheism, included human sacrifice  Depended on tribute from surrounding states

24  Asia: Paper, Compass, Silk, Porcelain  India: Textiles, # System, Spices, Gems  Middle East: Astronomy, Medicines, Mathematics (al jabr)  Africa: Ivory and Gold

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