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Notes done by a Christian

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1 Notes done by a Christian
Christianity Notes done by a Christian

2 Religious Practices Although they vary depending on denomination, common elements include a Sunday worship service private and corporate prayer study and reading of the scriptures participation in such rites such as baptism and communion (Known as sacraments) Conversion practices are also very common Some deal with going door to door, others go to other countries, and some do both Like many other religions they practice in a peaceful way

3 The Seven Sacraments Baptism - The essential rite of baptism is very simple. The person celebrating the sacrament (usually a priest) says 'I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit' while pouring water over the head of the person receiving the sacrament or dipping the person in water. For Catholics, baptism is the sacrament of salvation and the door to all other sacraments. This sacrament is most unique because if one was baptized in any other religion it is accepted within the Christianity.

4 Seven Sacraments Eucharist -  receive the real Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ in what appears to be bread and wine. During Mass, regular bread and wine are consecrated by the priest, through God's power, when he repeats Jesus's words, 'This is My Body' and 'This is the chalice of My Blood.‘ Catholicism tends to take this sacrament the most serious. They believe in this transformation in several ways.

5 Seven Sacraments Confirmation - provides a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which helps the confirmed Catholic witness to Christ and lead a mature Christian life. The rite of confirmation, usually performed by a bishop, involves the anointing with chrism (holy oil), the laying on of hands, and the words 'Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.‘ When converting one must partake in this sacrament. If un baptized they will be baptized as well. Some wish to be re- baptized which can be done as well.

6 Seven Sacraments Reconciliation - which is also called 'confession' or 'penance,' a Catholic confesses his or her sins to a priest in the spirit of true repentance and receives forgiveness. The priest acts as a visible representative of Christ, who forgives sins through Him, when he says the words of absolution: 'I absolve you of your sins in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.‘ It is encouraged that this is done every couple of months, some do it every week. Priest can not relay the sin to anyone once the confession is heard. Obviously some may feel the need to break this but, rarely do.

7 Seven Sacraments Anointing of the Sick - offers the comfort of God's grace to those who are ill. The sacrament provides spiritual and sometimes physical healing, according to God's will, but also allows the sick person to join his or her sufferings to Christ and prepare for death. The essential rite of this sacrament involves anointing with the oil of the sick and prayer. This is the giving Eucharist and mass to those who are to ill to travel. Also done as a last rites to those on their deathbed

8 Seven Sacraments Marriage - or matrimony, joins a man and a woman together in a life-long covenant of self-giving love. The two spouses give their consent to join together in marriage as the Church defines it. God gives special grace to the couple that they may live out their vow. Term created by the Catholic Church to explain the bond between a Man and a Women

9 Seven Sacraments Holy Orders – Men are ordained as bishops, priests, deacons through a bishop’s laying on of hands and prayer. These men are given the grace to live out their lives in service to the Church and to God’s people Basically this is the sacrament for those who want to become a Priest

10 Christian Holiday’s Easter – Celebrates the death of Jesus Christ and cleansing of everyone. Usually done with stations of the cross and fasting. 40 days prior is a time spent where Christians will give something up or several things up leading up to Easter.

11 Christian Holiday’s All Saint’s Day – Things like St. Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day ect. These are celebrated by different denominations and have taken a life of their own from Western Culture

12 Christian Holiday’s Christmas – Celebrates the birth of Christ

13 Christian Holiday’s and other Denominations
There are other Holiday’s that are celebrated depending on the denomination for example: Mother Mary day Ash Wednesday Mardi Gras Palm Sunday Other Denominations Catholic Christian LDS Baptist Methodist Etc

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