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Looking Forward: Sustaining the Momentum Building a system to sustain the capability building efforts Mel Tan Programme Officer ICT in Education, UNESCO.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking Forward: Sustaining the Momentum Building a system to sustain the capability building efforts Mel Tan Programme Officer ICT in Education, UNESCO."— Presentation transcript:


2 Looking Forward: Sustaining the Momentum Building a system to sustain the capability building efforts Mel Tan Programme Officer ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

3 Qualification/ Certification
Where we are Where we are headed Developing ICT Competency Standards for Teachers Alignment with educational vision Selection of a suitable approach Domains-standards-performance indicators (vis-à-vis assessment) Aligning the teacher education curriculum Three-pronged approach Competency standards Qualification/ Certification Training/ curriculum ICT vision and policy

4 Development Stages Situational Analysis
Monitoring & Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Recognition system for teacher’s ICT competencies (Qualifications) Quality Assurance/Accreditation mechanism for service providers Implementation of the Curriculum (with ToT, materials development, etc) Incorporating ICT Standards into the Teacher Education Curriuculum Development of Performance Indicators vis-à-vis Assessment Development of Competency Standards Situational Analysis This workshop

5 Then what? How do we implement the competency standards?
What else need to be in place? What strategies can we use to maximize impact?

6 Sustaining the Capability Building Efforts
Pre-service-In-service continuum Training of Teacher Educators/Trainers Curriculum and initiatives must systematically support competency development  progression of competencies Regular coordination to clarify expectations, set targets, design and implement an action Advocate lifelong learning

7 TEI review and accreditation process
Pre-Service TEI review and accreditation process Regular review / enhancement of pre-service curriculum vis-à-vis national educational goals Maximize opportunities provided by practicum Programming, deliverables, assessment process CPD for teacher educators Mentor the mentees but take care of the mentors, too

8 National Workshop on ICT Competency Standards Development
2 August 2015 In-service Key Findings: ITL Research 2011 Innovative teaching practices are more likely to flourish when particular supportive conditions are in place: A school culture that offers a common vision of innovation and consistently encourages new types of teaching Educator collaboration via peer support and sharing of pedagogical approaches PD with active engagement of educators, particularly in practicing and researching new teaching methods Role of school leaders Whole school approach Application & research, assessment & reflective practices Session 6A

9 National Workshop on ICT Competency Standards Development
2 August 2015 ITL Research 2011 Collaboration about teaching among educators in a school is strongly associated with Innovative Teaching Practices Innovative Teaching Practices Collaboration among educators Source: ITL Teacher Survey, across 7 countries; based on analysis by SRI International. Session 6A

10 In-Service Professional Development and innovative teaching practices
Practice a new teaching method Conducted research Planned or practiced using ICT in teaching Reviewed and discussed student work Observed a demonstration of a lesson Developed or reviewed curriculum materials Received or delivered one-on-one coaching or mentoring Planned a lesson or a unit Observed a demonstration of ICT use Listened to a lecture 0.25 0.23 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.03 0.28 Source: ITL teacher survey, 2011, Based on analysis by SRI International

11 Institutional Partnerships
School networks CoP / PLN Shanghai model (high performing-weak schools) Chinese rural schools (through district education offices) LivingSchools Lab (EU SchoolNet) TEI networks UNESCO RTDC Network Philippines: Association for Teacher Education (PAFTE) TEI-school partnerships Effectiveness of practicum and induction better-placed and programmed Mentoring / coaching of pre-service “practicumers” by in-service teachers of in-service teachers by teacher educators Immersion of teacher educators to actual school/classroom setting

12 To Review: Possible Action Areas
Pre-Service In-Service TEI Accreditation Pre-service curriculum Practicum CPD for teacher educators School leadership Whole school approach Continuing (diverse) high- quality PD with active engagement Support & incentives Resources and Models (e.g. Illustrations of Practice) Appraisal & Feedback Institutional Partnerships

13 Discussion What will work for Myanmar?
What strategies can we use to maximize impact? How to set-up and institutionalize such a system?

14 References Digital Promise (supported by Hewlett Foundation), ITL (Innovative Teaching and Learning) Research, research Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project, SEAMEO INNOTECH’s work on competency standards for teachers and school leaders TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey), en World Economic Forum, “New Vision for Education: Unlocking the Potential of Technology”. .pdf

15 THANK YOU. ( education)
Mel Tan ICT in Education, UNESCO BANGKOK ( education)

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