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Algebra 1 Introduction Ms. Hillstrom.

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1 Algebra 1 Introduction Ms. Hillstrom

2 Contact Information Phone: ex Room: 2026

3 Course Objectives Understand and apply algebraic terminology.
Demonstrate the ability to problem solve using various algebraic skills. Apply algebra to real world problems. Develop critical and analytic thinking skills.

4 Importance of Algebra Algebra 1 is the first high school math course you will take. The state of TN requires four years of math – a solid foundation is extremely important! Algebra skills are required for success in future math, science, computer, economics, or business courses you will take.

5 Importance of Algebra 3. Algebra problems are a large portion of the tests (SAT and ACT), which are required before being admitted into a college. So, even if you aren’t interested in a career in math or science, you still need to know your algebra. 4. Algebra will also help you become a better critical thinker and problem solver.

6 Supply List Writing Utensils - Pencil & Eraser Three subject notebook
MANDATORY:  Writing Utensils - Pencil & Eraser Three subject notebook   We will take notes everyday. A three subject notebook is necessary for students to keep all of their work in the same place. The dividing folders will also help them stay organized with loose papers.  Highlighter 12 inch Ruler I recommend a WOODEN or SOFT ruler. Plastic rulers break easily and will not last throughout the year. 

7 Supply list HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Graph Paper Calculator – A Texas
Instruments graphing calculator (anything in the 84 family) is highly recommended.  

8 A: Office Max, Walmart, Amazon (cheapest option)
Personal Calculators I highly recommend you purchase a Texas Instruments (TI-84) calculator for this class. Why? This is the recommended calculator for ALL high school math classes.  The TI-84 will help in every class because it has the capability of graphing and higher level math skills. It will greatly save time and frustration.  It's accepted on every test in high school and college... It's a lifetime calculator!!!                ** I purchased one at the start of my high school career, used it throughout college and still use it in my classroom today!  Q: Where can you buy it? A: Office Max, Walmart, Amazon (cheapest option)

9 Classroom Calculators
I have 12 calculators that will be available for use in class. They will be handed out on a first-come-first-serve basis. I will NOT be able to promise you a calculator for use on classwork or a test. These calculators will not leave my classroom. Students will not be dismissed from class until ALL calculators have been returned.

10 Supply list IF YOU ARE WILLING TO DONATE: Kleenex Hand Sanitizer
Dry Erase Markers

11 Supply list *If for any reason you cannot get these supplies please come see me before leaving class.

12 Class Expectations 1. Come Prepared With homework
With supplies (Pencil/Paper/Calculator) To participate Arrive to class on time – beginning BEFORE the bell rings!

13 Class Expectations Students will use “Yes Ma’am” and “No Ma’am”
2. Be Respectful To others Of others’ property Of others’ space By raising hand. Students will use “Yes Ma’am” and “No Ma’am” What does respect look like?

14 Class Expectations 3. Keep the Room Clean
All trash goes in the trash can When you leave the room your desks should be neatly in rows. Stay in your “parking space”

15 Class Expectations 4. Keep up with your grades.
Use the parent portal for checking your grades online. Homework assignments will be given daily & we will have homework quizzes once a week. In order to receive full credit you must show your work.

16 Other Class Expectations
Sit in assigned seat daily. ASK QUESTIONS. When I am talking you are not. When announcements are made you are silent.

17 Cell Phone policy Red – OFF. Not on silent or vibrate.
Yellow – ASK FIRST. Face down on corner of desk. Green – USE. Must stay on task. Failure to adhere to the cell phone policy will result in a write up for defiance. We will almost always be on RED so I should not see or hear your cellphone.

18 Consequences Failure to follow classroom rules will result in a consequence deemed appropriate by Ms. Hillstrom. This may include: 1) A warning 2) A call home 3) Write offs 4) Referral to principal

19 The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do!
Classroom Procedures Daily lay out of class: Check HW & go over questions. Fill out Assignment Sheet Lesson/Notes/Activity Homework Assigned The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do!

20 When is an appropriate time to leave the classroom?
Bathroom Breaks If you need to use the restroom you may leave if the hall pass is available. If the hall pass is not there you must wait. Before leaving hand Ms. Hillstrom your bathroom ticket and then take the hall pass. You will only get 4 bathroom passes per quarter – Use them wisely. When is an appropriate time to leave the classroom?

21 If you’re absent…. Receive missed work from the 3 ring binder on the back counter. Assignments will also be posted on my class website as a PDF. It is YOUR responsibility, not mine, to get and complete make up work. It is a good idea to get any missed notes from a friend.

22 Grades

23 TUTORING: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 Free bus ride home
Need Extra help? TUTORING: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 Free bus ride home

24 Good communication is an important key to success! …

25 Our class website!
View assignments, advice, additional resources, teacher information, school calendar & more!

26 Alg. 1 Honors ACT Prep Join remind app!
I will send out reminders before tests/quizzes or important projects. You do not need the app yourself. Just text in my information and follow the prompts. Alg Honors ACT Prep

27 Student Information Fill out the student information sheet provided to the best of your ability.



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