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To do list production organization and commitments

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1 To do list production organization and commitments
RPC upgrade project G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2 To do list production organization and commitments

2 Project principal items
Build 272 new RPC triplets to be installed in the BI region (and relative services) to increase the system redundancy and to cover ~27% acceptance hole Retrofit 32 BOL units and 16 BML-G units in the extreme eta regions, to reinforce these critical regions non fully recoverable with just the BI Replace the readout electronics (800 PADs) of the present system with a new ons compatible with the Phase-2 DAQ latency and better fit for the RPC performance  Riccardo Replace the power system with back compatibility G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

3 RPCs are made of…. The new RPCs are triplets:
Three fully independent singlets in a mechanical structure equipped with services Each singlet is an independent faraday cage containing a 2D readout detector equipped with a TDC per channel. It contains: One gas gap Two orthogonal readout strip systems Serial cables to connect TDCs to DCTs Each readout panel is made of A strip panel Frontend and termination boards integrated in the panel Readout panels of the same type are used for the BM-BO retrofitting G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

4 RPCs relates systems and services
Control and Power system, made of: DCS infrastructure (PCs mainframes and branch controllers) Power crates and modules (primary power, HV, LV, Vth, Monitoring) Power and monitoring cables Sensors (T, P, RH, flow) Gas system, including: Retrofitting of the present gas rack 2-3 additional racks to increase the vertical granularity of the distribution and to host 48 new lines serving the BI Local distribution on chamber and flow sensors for monitoring G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

5 WBS gas gap and mechanics
5.3.1 RPC Gas gap (RP --> R. Santonico; --> RM2, BO, MPI, CN, HK?) Production of HPL (Bakelite) -->BO? Gas gap design --> RM2+MPI Gas gap production  RM2+MPI Gas gap QA/QC --> RM2 +BO 5.3.4 RPC triplet integration(RP --> O. Kortner; --> MPI, IHEP) Chamber mechanical structure and services design and production --> O. Kortner MPI, IHEP Final detector integration -->  MPI G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

6 WBS electronics and faraday cage
5.2.2 Front End ASICs: Amplifier + discriminator + TDC (RP --> R. Cardarelli; Institutes  RM2, CN, HK) Front End Chip design and production RM2 5.2.3 Readout strips and singlet integration  (RP  R. Cardarelli; Institutes  USTC+HK, RM2) Front End Board design production USTC+HK+RM2 readout strips design production and integration USTC+HK+RM2 Construction and test of the detector singlets ??? production of signal cables to the DCT ??? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

7 WBS Services and infrastructure
5.2.6 Detector Control System (RPA. Polini; InstitutesRM2, BO, HK) Design of the RPC detector power and control system  G. Aielli RM2 RPC detector control system software coordination  A.Polini BO Extension of the DCS system for the BI RPCs HK? 5.2.9 Gas system (RP  E. Pastori; Institutes  RM2+?) design and production of the gas system for the BI -->RM2 upgrade of the gas system for the BM-BO and integration with the BI -->RM2+? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

8 WBS Installation and retrofitting
5.2.7 Validation, Installation and commissioning (RP --> CN+HK; Institutes  all!) Chamber validation at CERN --> CN+HK+INFN Installation study, procedures and execution -->MPI?? Cabling and commissioning of the installed detectors --> CN+HK+INFN 5.2.8 Retrofitting of of critical BM and BO RPCs (RP --> T.B.D.; Institutes --> T.B.D.) Production of new Readout panels -->??? Upgrade of the selected chambers at CERN -->??? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

9 Figures of merit for production and logistics
Maximize industrial manufacturing for standard parts  (CORE) High level assembly at the Institutes Specialize production centers Minimize inter-institute transports (extra cost) Minimize transport of fragile manufacts Involve institutes in the production chain Capillary QA/QC under Institutes responsibility Minimize parts and semi manufactured storage G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

10 Production sites (presumed)
Basic parts production Gas Gap  General Tecnica (Italy) Laminate electrode  RIVA (Italy) FE chip  IMD (Germany) Mechanics  IHEP (Russia) FE PCB  China/Hongkong company? RO stips  China/Hongkong company? Power system  CAEN (Italy) Power Cables  not assigned (China/Italy/Turkey) Serial cables  not assigned (China/Italy/Turkey) Semi-finished parts production: Integrated FE boards and test  USTC/HK Integrated readout panel and test  USTC/HK (Italy?) Integrated singlets and CR test  (INFN + at least one other Institute) Integrated Chambers and CR test CERN/MPI/Italy? BOL6 and BMLG swap set  Turkey/IHEP? Final integration and validation CERN G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

11 Logistics for RPC construction (1)
IHEP Shang Dong USTC G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2 IHP MPI CERN RIVA Bologna General Tecnica Hong Kong Bogazici

12 Conclusion and kickoff
Next step: propose a reasonable production scheme taking in to account FA requests and efficiency Kick of meeting to be proposed: the week of 18/9 in Roma? In the kick off the Institutes will finalize their commitments G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2

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