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Suicide Prevention and Getting Help

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1 Suicide Prevention and Getting Help

2 Guidelines This presentation will affect people differently depending on their past experiences. You may step out and go to the office if the subject is too difficult. Be respectful of each other.

3 Objectives General information about Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide
Today you will learn: General information about Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide Risk factors/precipitating events/protective factors/ warning signs for suicide Watch Signs of Suicide “Friends for Life” video Discussion (ACT) Handouts

4 Depression/Anxiety or Stress
Discussion: What does stress, anxiety, and depression look like?

5 Depression A loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities consistently for at least a 2 week period May negatively impair social, occupational, educational or other important functioning Feeling helpless/hopeless

6 Anxiety A feeling of apprehension or fear/unease and is almost always accompanied by feelings of impending doom. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized May feel preoccupied, distracted, tense, and always on alert Can experience fear, nervousness, and shyness, and start to avoid places and activities

7 Stress Stress is the way our bodies and minds react to something which upsets our normal balance in life Comes from the pressures we feel in life, as we are pushed by work or any other task that puts undue pressure on our minds and body Some people are more susceptible to stress than others

8 What Causes Depression/Anxiety/Stress?
Social/Emotional Other Factors Medical issues Trauma Disease Genetics Challenges Responsibilities/Pressures Loss Alienation

9 Some Definitions Risk Factors: A habit or environmental condition that predisposes an individual. Warning Signs: Verbal, nonverbal and/or behavioral signs that a person may be at risk. Precipitating Event: A recent life event that serves as a trigger, moving an individual from thinking about suicide to an attempt. No single event causes suicide. There are ALWAYS other risk factors. Protective Factors: Personal traits or environmental qualities that can reduce the risk of suicidal behavior.

10 Examples of RISK FACTORS
Alcohol and substance abuse Accessibility to means Depression/Anxiety Suicidal behaviors/ideation Exposure to suicide History of trauma or loss Hopelessness Impulsivity Self Injury

11 Examples of Warning Signs
Direct Verbal Indirect Verbal I want to die. I don’t want to live anymore. I wish I were dead. I won’t have to put up with this much longer. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. Soon this pain will be over. They’ll be sorry when I’m gone. I can’t take it anymore. Nothing matters. I won’t be a problem for you much longer

12 Warning Signs, con’t Nonverbal/Behavioral
An unusual obsession with death Hopelessness/Helplessness Withdrawing from friends, family, society Sudden unexpected happiness or energy Dramatic change in personality, hygiene or appearance Impulsive, irrational or bizarre behavior An overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or rejection; negative self-evaluation Significant deterioration in schoolwork or recreational performance Preparation for not being here: Giving away personal belongings Saying goodbye Putting things in order, settling debts Notes: If you notice anything that is not typical behavior for that student seek assistance/consult with school mental health team and/or call parents. Please feel free to give examples that you might be aware of in your building.

Getting in trouble at home or school A fight A break up Failing a test Any sort of failure at home or school

14 Remember- Suicides are NEVER anyone’s fault. There is ALWAYS undertreated or undiagnosed mental health issues when suicide takes place

15 PROTECTIVE FACTORS Strong problem-solving skills Positive self-image
Spiritual faith Close ties to family, friends and community Involvement in hobbies/activities Restricted means/access to treatment

16 SIGNS OF SUICIDE for Students

17 Discussion Questions What are some of the risk factors and warning signs that were shown in the DVD that stuck out to you? What are some protective factors against suicide you may find in your friends? What about your own life? In your own words, explain ACT How can you help a friend who is struggling? What is your responsibility as a friend?


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