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Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.

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1 Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.
PE Department Student Expectations: Before we begin learning, please ensure that you: Are standing behind your desk in silence; Have your learning diary and pencil case on your desk; Have a smart uniform. Please be seated in SILENCE. Copy and underline today’s date and title. Wednesday, 12 September 2018 LO4: Asthma: Signs, symptoms and treatment.

2 On the Bell PE and Sport Faculty Standards: Equipment out
Planners on desk PE and Sport Faculty On the Bell Asthma 5 mins Task: Create a asthma mind map. You should write down anything that you know about asthma considering factors such as how it is caused, signs and symptoms and treatment

3 Big Picture PE and Sport Faculty
We have now covered all of the LO1, LO2 and LO3 content for the exam; extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can influence the risk of injury, how warm ups and cool downs can help to prevent injuries and also the different types of injuries including cause, signs and symptoms and treatment We are now starting LO4 – knowing how to respond to common medical conditions. This will develop your knowledge of the symptoms of asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and also how to respond to these medical conditions

4 PE and Sport Faculty Title: Asthma Lesson Outcomes:
Wednesday, 12 September 2018 Title: Asthma Lesson Outcomes: Describe the medical condition asthma and describe the signs and symptoms of it Explain how to respond to asthma in terms of its treatment Analyse and apply understanding of asthma to exam based questions

5 What is Asthma? PE and Sport Faculty
A long term condition that is caused by inflammation of the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. The bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal. It can be triggered by dust mites, animal fur, pollen, exercise, smoke and viral infections. You are more likely to develop asthma if you have a family history of the condition.

6 Signs and symptoms PE and Sport Faculty Coughing Wheezing
Shortness of breath Tightness in the chest

7 How to treat asthma PE and Sport Faculty
** Always make sure that the coach is aware of any medical conditions before the activity begins.** Stop activity and sit them down 2. Reassure them, stay calm, keep them relaxed 4. Encourage them to take slow, deep breaths 5. Make sure they use their inhaler 7. Some patients also have prescribed steroid tablets – they will need to take these also 6. Emergency services (if needed)

8 PE and Sport Faculty Exercise is a common trigger for asthma
Give three symptoms that a coach should be aware of if someone in their class has been diagnosed with asthma (3 marks) Extension: Check your answer, have you added enough detail to achieve full marks? Have you identified three different points Highlight key parts of the question. How many marks is it worth? How will we get full marks? ANSWER QUESTION

9 PE and Sport Faculty Exercise is a common trigger for asthma
Give three symptoms that a coach should be aware of if someone in their class has been diagnosed with asthma (3 marks) Self assessment: 1. Use a different coloured pen 2. Give yourself a mark out of 3 3. Add a WWW and EBI comment 4. Improve your answer if you did not achieve full marks

10 PE and Sport Faculty Suggest two suitable ways in which the coach could respond and treat a performer suffering from a asthma attack (2 marks) Extension: Check your answer, have you added enough detail to achieve full marks? Have you identified two different points Highlight key parts of the question. How many marks is it worth? How will we get full marks? ANSWER QUESTION

11 PE and Sport Faculty Suggest two suitable ways in which the coach could respond and treat a performer suffering from a asthma attack (2 marks) Peer assessment: 1. Use a different coloured pen 2. Give your partner a mark out of 2 3. Add a WWW and EBI comment 4. Hand work back, improve your answer if you did not achieve full marks

12 Revise with your partner:
PE and Sport Faculty Revise with your partner: Use the read, cover, remember, retell technique to learn the key content from today’s lesson. Your aim is to remember all of the information on asthma from today’s lesson.

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