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3 About HFW Australia’s largest free walking network
A social, fun, free and easy way for people to walk and be active Based on the successful Heart Foundation “Just Walk It” program Important for health and community cohesion Helps participants meet the National Physical Activity Guidelines Over the last 21 years, more than 82,000 Australians have participated in the Heart Foundation’s walking groups stepping out on over 5 million walks! 82,000 participants in 21 year history Social, Fun and Free

4 Over 23,000 participants Over 1100 groups Over 1500 Walk Organisers Work in partnership with Host Organisations to establish walking groups Volunteer Walk Organisers lead walking groups Individuals can join our online virtual walking community Aims to make regular walking enjoyable and easy, especially those not used to being active. Groups can be any size, and walk at various times, days, places, durations and levels of difficulty.

5 Why Walk? it’s easy, free and accessible needs no expensive equipment
can be done almost anywhere it’s good for the environment low impact on joints can save you money Added benefits of walking in a group provide extra incentive and motivation It’s social you can meet new people and make friends safer more fun

6 Benefits of being a volunteer Walk Organiser
Quality training and preparation for your role Insurance coverage under the Heart Foundation’s Policy for volunteers Ongoing support from your Local Coordinator Access to a personal page on the Heart Foundation Walking web site Free merchandise as a thank you when you join High quality resources at your finger tips Free quarterly newsletters in which you & your group can feature Annual workshops Incentives at various milestones if you are part of the Walker Recognition Scheme Annual competitions to enter with prizes to win 6

7 Benefits of being a walker
It’s free Walker’s kit upon registration Option to join the Walker Recognition Scheme (Milestones recognised are 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 walks) Heart Foundation Walking newsletters The chance to participate in group walking events e.g. Heart Week Walks and Park Walks Social engagement and opportunity to make new friends Note: Participation in the Walker Recognition Scheme is optional. Only walks conducted with a HFW group are recorded as part of the Walker Recognition Scheme. Monthly prize draw – any walker who registers a walk is automatically entered into prize draw – pedometers, cookbooks etc.

8 HFW in Numbers

9 6 months = 83% 1 year = 71% 2 years = 62% 3 years = 59% Retention Rates Typical community based physical activity programs have a six month retention rate of 50%. HFW consistently demonstrates retention rates well above this – even at the three year mark. “I stay because it is good for my heart, I make new friends and it makes me feel happy. Thank you.” Walker

10 Craig Riley – Virtual Walking Superstar
Lost 17 kgs Craig Riley – Virtual Walking Superstar No sign of type 2 diabetes “I started posting every time I was doing a walk on social media and found people commenting publicly and private messaging me. The feedback was really spurring me on and now, I have friends in every state walking each day and challenging each other, holding each other accountable” Feeling healthier and happier Craig uses the Virtual Walking component of HFW by walking individually and tracking his activity online via his HFW profile.

11 “I like walking as it is a great stress reliever and find exercise is a great way to improve mental health” Damien Ryan – Walk Organiser and Alice Springs Mayor How can I get involved? Sign up your place of employment as a Host Organisation, become a Local Coordinator and get access to our great resources Start a Workplace walking group - Become a volunteer Walk Organiser and start a group within your community where walkers are rewarded for being active! - Talk about HFW to anyone who might be interested - Promote to your patients/colleagues/networks

12 Website:
Facebook: Instagram: heartfoundationwalking

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