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Early Native American & Colonial Conflicts

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1 Early Native American & Colonial Conflicts
Not quite wars of the U.S.

WHAT WHERE WHEN WHO WHY/CAUSE OUTCOME/EFFECT Pequot Wars Mystic River, CT Mystic = 1637) Pequot vs. Puritans (MA Bay English Colonists) English desired land Peqouts dominated trade NA rival tribes fight for power Treaty of Hartford Pequots lost; most killed, survivors sold into slavery; culture outlawed; land & trade rights taken over English dominated land ownership Powhatan Wars King Philip’s War Bacon’s Rebellion King William’s War Queen Anne’s War King George’s War

3 Powhatan-Anglo Wars When: 1622-1642 Where: Jamestown, VA colony
Who: Powhatan tribe vs. English settlers Why/Cause: Violent conflicts over land turned personal between the two groups English settlers killed Powhatan leader Powhatan retaliated killing ~350 men, women, children (including John Rolfe) Colonists retaliated by burning Native American villages Outcome/Effect: Poor relations continued as colonists settled further into Indian territory Showed that the London Company couldn’t help colonists which resulted in the charter being cancelled and Virginia becoming a royal colony CrashCourse – 3:10-4:20

4 POWHATAN WAR vs. Jamestown
French forts (VA) English Jamestown Powhatan territory

5 Pequot Wars When: – 1638 Where: Southeast New England (Connecticut) Who: Massachusetts (Bay & Plymouth) colonists (allied w/ Mohegan and Narragansett tribes) vs. Pequot tribe Why/Cause: Money, trade, land, and power English settlers wanted more land Opposing Native American tribes wanted more control over trade relations w/ English Wars between two sides led to increased violence Outcome/Effect: Mystic Massacre Remaining Pequot sent into slavery or killed Treaty of Hartford divided prisoners and land and outlawed Pequot language and name (broke up the tribe) Controversy = Who started it and why Massacre at Mystic – 11:55-31:15 CrashCourse – 5:45-6:35

6 Pequot War vs. Puritans Puritan English Colony (MA BAY)
Pequot territory

7 King Philip’s War When: 1675 – 1676
Where: Massachusetts (Plymouth colony) Who: Wampanoag tribe vs. English militia Why/Cause: Metacomet (a.k.a. King Philip) tired of colonists settling on N.A. land and poor treatment Attacks between both sides Men, women, children killed ~600 colonists, ~3,000 Native Americans (including Metacomet) dead Outcome/Effect: Odd alliances Iroquois League allied w/ English vs. Wampanoag, French allied with Algonquin and Huron tribes (trade) Tribes fighting each other to get on European good side CrashCourse – 6:36-8:20

8 King Philip’s War vs. English Colonists


10 Bacon’s Rebellion When: 1676 Where: Jamestown, VA
Who: Colonists (led by Nathaniel Bacon) vs. English Royal Government Why/Cause: Colonists said VA assembly (government) was ignoring their needs Higher taxes Lack of available farmland N.A./English treaties ignored Colonists began taking over (farming) Native American land Former indentured servants attacked N.A. Outcome/Effect: Gov. tried to stop; Bacon burnt Jamestown Bacon died of fever; rebellion ended; Bacon’s followers were hanged Poor relations between N.A. and colonists continued Led some planters to depend more on slavery CrashCourse – 4:15-6:17

11 Indentured Servants vs. Native Americans
Bacon’s Rebellion: Indentured Servants vs. Native Americans

12 King William’s War When: 1689 – 1697 Where: Northeast America
Who: Great Britain vs. France Why/Cause: Land and trade control over North America Boundaries = French had Ohio River valley region, English had coastal colonies Outcome/Effect: Boundaries between English and French colonies remained

13 King William’s War


15 Queen Anne’s War When: 1702 – 1713 Where: Northeast America
Who: Great Britain vs. France and Spain (allies) Why/Cause: Land and trade control over North America Outcome/Effect: Treaty – British got NE Canadian waterways (Hudson Bay, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia) Complication: Each side had Native American allies Frontier towns raided Both sides suffer heavy casualties British gained French Canada’s Port Royal and burned Spanish settlement, St. Augustine, FL

16 Before Queen Anne’s War

17 After Queen Anne’s War

18 King George’s War When: 1744 – 1748 Where: Northeast America
Who: Great Britain vs. France Why/Cause: Fighting for territory Outcome/Effect: Little effect on colonies BUT: British spending $ to protect colonies from French/Indian invasions Increased debt and British casualties French built forts along Ohio River Valley region Competing for fur trade Waterway = Good for trade routes Crash Course

19 King George’s War

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