The Social order HI203.

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Presentation on theme: "The Social order HI203."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Social order HI203

2 What Does the Social Order Tell us About a Society?

3 Social Ordering Social ordering is a construct.
Ways of categorizing society reveal priorities, superstructures, and values. Social ordering is diachronic. Changes in the social order reveal underlying and systemic changes. Early modern Europe sees an epistemic shift in the social order.

4 Hierarchies: National
Medieval Conceptions Those who fight, those who pray, those who work. Sorts v. Classes?

5 The Great Chain of Being
Tree of Commonwealth Body Politic

6 Monarch Apex of the Chain Divinely Ordained
Head of Social and Political Nation

7 Nobility, Noblesse, Nobleza, Szlachta
“Those whom their race and blood or at least their virtues do make noble and known.” 3 Traditional Functions: War Land Jurisdiction Privileges

8 The Middling Sort Burghers, Citizens and Professionals
Urban Rural Burghers, Citizens and Professionals Wealth based on Trade, Finance, Industry Office-Holding and State Service Yeoman and Independent Farmers Wealth based on land Secure Title and Surplus

9 The Commonality “These have no voice nor authority in our commonwealth, and no account is made of these but to be ruled, not to rule others” -Thomas Smith

10 The Common People Not a homogeneous group
Small farmers, craftsmen, industrial workers, fisherman, miners, servants, agricultural labourers. Skilled vs. Manual Labour Urban vs. Rural Independent vs. Wage Labour

11 Minorities Non-Christians Jews Muslims Denominational Minorities

12 Personal Hierarchies Family Hierarchies
“A Little Commonwealth” Occupational and Professional Hierarchies

13 Social Mobility Always a Feature of the Early Modern World
Strategies of Advancement Marriage State Service Investment Barriers to Advancement

14 Maintaining Hierarchies: Law
Justice or Social Peace Common Law v. Roman Law Systems Limits of Policing

15 Signaling Status Style of Address Clothing Consumption Seating

16 Sumptuary Laws Regulation of Clothing Based on Status
Official Enforcement of Outward Symbols Colours, fabrics, materials, ornamentation restricted

17 Punishment Terror and Mercy Public Spectacle Types of Punishment

18 The Church Sexual Morality Church Courts Sermons and Homilies

19 Honour and Reputation Male and Female Honour
Sex Credit Honesty Protection and Restoration

20 Popular Punishment The Enforcement of Communal Norms Outside of Formal Judicial Venues Public Humiliation as Tool of Enforcement

21 Charivari

22 Centralization and State Growth
Monopoly of Violence Decline of Noble Power Growth of Bureaucracy Legibility and the Reach of the State

23 The Rise of the Middling Sort
Middling sort grow in wealth and power Urban Trade, Finance, Industry Rural Enclosure, Land Reclamation, Improvement

24 The Growth of Inequality
Growing Gap between Rich and Poor Population Growth Growing Number of Landless People Growth of Wage Labour

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