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“Warm water with lemon will kick start your kidneys and metabolism”

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Presentation on theme: "“Warm water with lemon will kick start your kidneys and metabolism”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Warm water with lemon will kick start your kidneys and metabolism”

2 What’s Metabolism The way that your body burns up the calories consumed through foods eaten. complex process that involves all the chemical reactions we’ve discussed

3 Why are there different “speeds”
On average, your metabolism slows 5% each decade “high metabolism”-your body processes its food faster than average Exercise, healthy diet, low stress, and 8 hours of sleep all add to speeding up metabolism!

4 Why is breakfast so important?
“those who skip breakfast are less likely to choose wisely later in the day” “should consume 1/3 of their daily calories at breakfast” “without having some fuel in your system, you simply will not have the same concentration levels that you otherwise would and your work or school performance is going to suffer” “BEWARE of Carb-only breakfasts”-leads to crashing later in the day

5 Obese Society

6 Supersize me

7 Obese Society Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese. Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for: chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer. The key causes are increased consumption of energy-dense foods high in saturated fats and sugars, and reduced physical activity.

8 Obesity How many people eat in the car? While watching TV?
All you can eat?-tortilla chips at Mexican restaurants?

9 How do we fix it? Exercise Healthy meals
Balanced meals-Carbohydrates, proteins, essential vitamins

10 Fad Diets

11 What could go wrong? Dietary Disorders-vitamin deficiency
Pellagra (deficiency of Niacin)-common is countries where corn is a food staple 3 D’s-Diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia

12 Dietary Disorders Anemia- B12, Folic Acid…

13 Dietary Disorders Rickets Softening and weakening of
bones-most commonly seen in young children

14 Healthy Eating

15 BMI Body Mass Index BMI=(weight in pounds * 703)/height in inches squared Underweight=below 18.5 Normal= Overweight= Obese=30+

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