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Nutrition and Exercise. Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates – Provide energy – Found in fruits, vegetables, grains, sugars, pasta Fats – Stored energy –

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Exercise. Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates – Provide energy – Found in fruits, vegetables, grains, sugars, pasta Fats – Stored energy –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Exercise

2 Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates – Provide energy – Found in fruits, vegetables, grains, sugars, pasta Fats – Stored energy – Found in Dairy, Meat, Egg yolks Proteins – Build many important body structures (including muscles) – Found in meat, dairy, egg whites Vitamins – Important for immune system – Found in fruits, vegetables Minerals – Important for building bones and chemical reactions in the body – Found in all types of foods (Calcium – dairy, green vegetables, Iron – meat, Potassium- bananas) Water – Essential for many life process (temp regulation, blood component, waste removal)

3 Food Pyramid Recommended different types of foods for a balanced diet with proper nutrition – Grains – Vegetables – Fruit – Milk – Meat and Beans – Oils The number of servings each person requires will vary

4 “Good Choice” Foods Leafy green vegetables (high in minerals and vitamins) Lean Proteins Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fiber)

5 Nutritional Requirements For Women High calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis Regulate protein intake (too much protein puts you at risk for osteoporosis) Intake enough iron to prevent anemia Eat a low fat diet to prevent heart disease Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption

6 Nutritional Deficiency Rickets – vitamin D deficiency, leads to bone softening Scurvy- vitamin C deficiency, leads to loss of teeth Osteoporosis – Calcium deficiency, leads to fragile/ weak bones

7 Obesity Body Mass Index of 30 or higher – For the average adult a BMI of 30 is about 30 pounds above your ideal weight – Risks include heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, Type II diabetes, arthritis, cancer and many other disorders

8 Exercise Benefits: – Reduce stress – Burns calories – Health benefits Lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, burn fat

9 Types of Exercise Aerobic – Requires oxygen – Strengthens cardiovascular system – Can be performed for extended time periods. – Tends to use more slow twitch muscles – Examples = running, biking or swimming for an extended time period Anaerobic – Without oxygen – High intensity exercise performed for short periods – Tends to use more fast twitch muscles – Examples = weight training, sprinting

10 Exercise Requirements for Women Regular, weight bearing exercise will strengthen bones and reduce risk for osteoporosis Regular aerobic exercise will promote cardiovascular health and reduce risk of heart disease. Weight lifting is important for toning muscles and burning calories

11 Too much exercise? Leads to injury and illness Can reduce muscles instead of building muscles Can lead to poor athletic performance Allow your body recovery time after difficult workouts

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