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Plants Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Plant Characteristics
POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Plant Characteristics Plant parts Reproduction Plant Processes Plants, Plants 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 True or False: All plants are multicellular

4 All plants have _________, the organelle responsible for doing photosynthesis

5 Plants make their own food, the scientific word for that is….
Producer or Autotropth

6 Some plants only live for 1 year, we call them

7 Plants that have leaves have small opening that exchange gases, what are they called?

8 What is the function of the roots?
Anchor and absorb water and nutrients

9 What is the function of leaves?

10 Nonvascular plants like mosses don’t have roots, instead they have

11 Which part of the vascular tissue carries water?

12 What are the 3 parts of the seed?
Embryo, Cotyledon, protective covering

13 Gymnosperms reproduce in structures called

14 All angiosperms reproduce with seeds that grow in...

15 The male reproductive structure in flowers is made up of 2 parts, what are they?
Anther and Filament

16 Name the 3 parts that make up the female part of the flower shown
A- Stigma B- Style C-Ovary

17 When pollen grains lands on the female reproductive structure
What is pollination? When pollen grains lands on the female reproductive structure

18 Any change in the environment is known as a

19 Vines growing up the side of a building is an example of how they respond to

20 What is responsible for the way the plant below is growing?

21 The products of photosynthesis are…
Glucose and Oxygen

22 Identify the following chemical equation
Glucose + Oxygen  Water + Carbon Dioxide + ATP Cellular respiration

23 Is Pollen male or female?

24 A seed with a wing-like structure probably uses the ________ to spread seeds

25 How does an apple seed get dispersed in a forest?
They get eaten by animals and dispersed

26 What controls the size of stomata?
Guard cells

27 Vascular tissue that’s scattered
You have a plant that is a monocot. Give 3 reasons why you know its is a monocot Parallel veins one cotyledon Petals in groups of 3 Vascular tissue that’s scattered

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