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Kurgan theory Marija gimbutas Hannah Korper.

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1 Kurgan theory Marija gimbutas Hannah Korper

2 Marija gimbutas January 23, 1921 – February 2, 1994
Born in Lithuania, and grew up in that country's tradition of stories, songs and mythology Her parents frequently invited contemporary musicians, writers, and authors to their home Education: in Lithuania as a refugee in war-torn Europe, included a broad range of languages, linguistics and archaeology “I do not believe, as many archaeologists of this generation seem to, that we shall never know the meaning of prehistoric art and religion." In the United States, she was considered an expert on the Bronze Age of Eastern Europe

3 Kurgan theory Proposed in 1956
A theory of language diffusion holding that the spread of Indo-European languages originated with animal domestication in the central Asian steppes and grew more aggressively and swiftly than proponents of the Anatolian hypothesis maintain The people of a Kurgan culture in the Pontic steppe north of the Black Sea were the most likely speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language . Early Indo-Europeans are identified with warrior pastoralists who built kurgans (burial mounds) Proto-Indo-European people spread on horse back and conquered the land throughout the pontic- caspian steppe Kurgans took their language with them giving rise to the secondary homeland of Celtic, Italic, Germanic, Balto-slavic, Greek and other European branches Spread was swifter and less peaceful than in the Anatolian hypothesis

4 Kurgan theory model

5 impact International team of researchers and the UAB Prehistory professor Roberto Risch, have conducted a genetic study backing the Kurgan Theory European populations do not descend only from the first hunters-gatherers and from the people arriving during the Neolithic expansion of the Near East Eastern and Western European populations followed different paths 8,000 to 5,000 years ago, then came into contact with each other 4,500 years ago, These populations have been proven to be genetically similar to people buried in the Yamna kurgans (north of the Black Sea) and very different to the Palaeolithic and Neolithic populations of Western Europe. March 4, 2015

6 Textbook The Human Mosaic: A cultural approach to human geography 12th addition Page 122; Indo-European Diffusion

7 citations
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