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Indo-European Languages

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1 Indo-European Languages


3 Language Classification

4 FAMILIES, BRANCHES AND GROUPS Languages are often related.
A mother language is spoken by groups of people who become separated by time and distance. Those groups then form new languages based on a common origin. LANGUAGE FAMILY: a collection of languages related through a common ancestral language that existed before recorded history. (Indo-European is the world’s most extensive language family.) LANGUAGE BRANCH: a collection of languages related through a common ancestral language that existed several thousand years ago. (A language family divides into a number of branches.) LANGUAGE GROUP: a collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past and display relatively few differences in grammar and vocabulary.

5 Family Branch Group Language

6 English West Germanic Germanic Indo-European (language) (group)
(branch) Indo-European (family)

7 Spanish MÒoré Mandarin Korean

8 A person who studies languages.
What’s A Linguist? A person who studies languages. Linguistics

9 Linguistic Studies Linguists are particularly concerned with tracing the paths of languages and locating their hearths. This is pretty easy to do with some languages! BUT… virtually impossible with others! Of course…. The further back in time you go, the harder it is to accurately trace language.

10 ENGLISH Family Plate Bank Problem SPANISH Familia Plato Banco Problema
Linguistic Studies ENGLISH Family Plate Bank Problem SPANISH Familia Plato Banco Problema

11 ALL Indo-European languages share similar words!
Beech, oak, bear, deer, pheasant, bee THEREFORE… Linguists believe the words must represent things experienced in ____________________of the original Indo-European speakers. The Daily Life

12 Indo-European Their conclusion? The original Indo-European speakers probably lived in a _______________ climate, or one that had a ________________ season, but did not come in contact with _____________________. Cold Winter The Ocean

13 Theory #1 Hearth in modern Russia/Kazakhstan Nomadic Warrior Thesis
- Kurgan Hearth Theory Hearth in modern Russia/Kazakhstan The Kurgans spread their language by conquering other peoples. Moved East to West

14 Theory #2 Hearth in modern Turkey Sedentary Farmer Thesis
Language spread along with agricultural innovations Moved North to Europe, East to Asia Sedentary Farmer Thesis - Renfrew Hypothesis

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