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Welcome to Year 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2

2 Year 2 Staff Mrs Gippert 2G Miss O’Donnell 2O Mrs Aitken LSA/HLTA
Mrs Chan LSA Mrs Burton LSA Ms Scantlebury LSA Mrs Hurrell LSA Mr McKenzie (P.E) Mr Barclay (ICT) Debbie

3 Timetable Please ensure PE kits are in school everyday.
Tuesday will be our Games lesson day Our library slot will be on Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child has wellington boots and waterproofs in school for outdoor learning.

4 P.E Kit White t-shirt Blue shorts Plimsolls / trainers Winter:
Trousers sweatshirt- no hoodies please Trainers (Please make sure that these are clearly named)

5 Pencil Cases The children only need one pencil case and it must fit in their drawer.
HB Pencils (more than one) A glue Stick (white) Coloured pencils Optional: Whiteboard pen * All this equipment is available at the Friday shop* Please ensure that all items are named so they can be returned. In Year 2, we expect the children to be responsible for their own property.

6 Break Times Morning Break 10.30am
Lunch 11.45am (children eat at 12.15pm) Afternoon Break 2.00pm Home Time 3.05pm Break time fruit will be provided as in Year 1. If you choose to provide your child with fruit from home please do not send in kiwi fruit as we have a child in school with a severe airborne allergy to this. Please ensure there are no nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch box.

7 Responsibility Moving into Year 2 is a chance for the children to become more independent so please encourage your child to carry their own bags and put their own things away in the mornings.

8 End of Key Stage 1 Assessment SATs
These will be in May. Don’t worry! We make sure the children are well prepared, happy and do not worry about the papers. Teacher assessment over the course of the academic year supports our judgements about your child’s achievements and these are not based solely on the performance on the actual paper. You will be invited to a meeting later in the term to give you more information. Debbie

9 Home Learning Phonics/ Spelling Daily phonics/ spelling sessions.
Phonics and spelling homework is currently under review. Hotwords These will continue to be sent home over the next two or three weeks. Words to learn to read and spell will be written in the Reading Journals. They will be re-tested then new words will be provided. Lisa

10 Please ensure their journal and reading book is in school everyday.
Our School policy: Children should read for 10 minutes at home each day. Children will read with their teacher once a week in school. To enable the teachers to read with all of the children weekly, some children will be asked to read during Wake and Shake. Children are expected to completed a Reading Activity after reading their books. Please ensure you read with your child daily and write in their reading journal. The Reading journals will be given out on Friday 15th September This will allow the teachers time to check that the level of the children’s books is still appropriate after the summer holiday. Please ensure their journal and reading book is in school everyday.

11 Mathletics Mathletics will be set every week on Fridays and will need to be completed by the following Friday. First set Friday 15th September.

12 Learning Logs Learning Log homework will be set every 3 weeks.
Children are given 2 weeks to complete the tasks.

13 Parental Help Help during the school day is always appreciated.
If you would like to help at school please contact Mrs Gippert or Miss O’Donnell as soon as possible.

14 Contact If you would like to speak to either of us regarding your child please call the school, put a note in your child’s bag or speak to us at the end of the day to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.

15 Any Questions?

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