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Presentation on theme: "7th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES"— Presentation transcript:

KINGDOMS, CITY-STATES AND EMPIRES CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2 MR. CRAKE 7th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES MASON MIDDLE SCHOOL Spoken in  Burundi  Congo  Kenya  Mozambique  Rwanda  Somalia  Tanzania  Uganda 1. SWAHILI-

KINGDOMS, CITY-STATES AND EMPIRES CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2 MR. CRAKE 7th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES MASON MIDDLE SCHOOL Spoken in  Burundi  Congo  Kenya  Mozambique  Rwanda  Somalia  Tanzania  Uganda 1. SWAHILI-bantu language spoken in much of East Africa, also an ethnic group.

3 2. CITY-STATE- UZBEKISTAN The John A. Wilson Building
houses the offices of the mayor and council of the District of Columbia. UZBEKISTAN 2. CITY-STATE-

4 The John A. Wilson Building
houses the offices of the mayor and council of the District of Columbia. UZBEKISTAN 2. CITY-STATE-a city that is also an independent state, with its own traditions, government, and laws.

5 The Masjid al-Haram at night.
Capacity inside: 800,000 Outside: 1.2 million UZBEKISTAN 3. PILGRIMAGE-

6 3. PILGRIMAGE-a religious journey.
The Masjid al-Haram at night. Capacity inside: 800,000 Outside: 1.2 million UZBEKISTAN 3. PILGRIMAGE-a religious journey.


8 4. TOMBOUCTOU-a city in Mali near the Niger River.

9 Old Town, Malindi 5. Identify two city-states that were very important to East African trade-

10 Old Town, Malindi 5. Identify two city-states that were very important to East African trade-Malindi, Mombasa, Kilwa, and Great Zimbabwe were important city-states.

11 6. How did trade affect the coastal culture of East Africa-
Mediterranean <<< >>> Arabia India >>>>>>>> < To China>>>>>> < 6. How did trade affect the coastal culture of East Africa-

12 >>>>>>>>
Mediterranean <<< >>> Arabia India >>>>>>>> < To China>>>>>> < 6. How did trade affect the coastal culture of East Africa-Trade with other regions exposed the East African people to new ideas, including Christianity.

13 Kilwa Trading Center 7. Why do you think East African traders had to pay high taxes for the right to bring goods to Kilwa?

14 Kilwa Trading Center 7. Why do you think East African traders had to pay high taxes for the right to bring goods to Kilwa? The rulers of Kilwa wanted their city-state to profit from being the center of trade.

15 8. What forces influenced North Africa throughout its history?
KAZAKHSTAN UZBEKISTAN TAJIKISTAN 8. What forces influenced North Africa throughout its history?

16 KAZAKHSTAN UZBEKISTAN TAJIKISTAN 8. What forces influenced North Africa throughout its history? North Africa was controlled by the Phoenicians, then by the Romans, and later by the Arabs.

17 9. How did Islam become a major religion in North Africa?
The Al-Aqsa Mosque congregation building. Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven near this site. 9. How did Islam become a major religion in North Africa?

18 The Al-Aqsa Mosque congregation
building. Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven near this site. 9. How did Islam become a major religion in North Africa? Arabs controlled North Africa for a long period of time and spread Islam throughout the region.

19 10. How did location affect the various kingdoms of West Africa?
Mali Songhai Ghana 10. How did location affect the various kingdoms of West Africa?

20 Mali Songhai Ghana 10. How did location affect the various kingdoms of West Africa? The locations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai allowed them to control trade between North and West Africa.

21 Mali Songhai Ghana 11. How did Ghana, Mali, and Songhai become wealthy from gold and salt?

22 Mali Songhai Ghana 11. How did Ghana, Mali, and Songhai become wealthy from gold and salt? The people of West Africa had gold, but needed salt to survive. The people of North Africa had plenty of salt but needed gold. The regions began trading these items, and control of this trade brought wealth to Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.

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