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Chapter 11 The Rise of Islam

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1 Chapter 11 The Rise of Islam
Study Guide 11-1 Vocabulary and Questions

2 Vocabulary Bedouins: Arab desert herders who would go from oasis to oasis so their camels, goats, and sheep could drink and eat. Kaaba: a low square building surrounded by statues of gods and goddesses.

3 This is the Ka’aba, the sacred shrine in Mecca.

4 Vocabulary Makkah: (also known as Mecca) an important religious place and the most holy place in Arabia was in this city. Oases: places in the desert that have water, plants, and trees Caravan: a group of traveling merchants Sheikh: the head of a tribe

5 1. How did geography influence life in Arabia?
To survive in the desert, early Arabs organized into loyal tribes. They traveled from oasis to oasis and ate dried fruit and nuts.

6 2. Why did Muhammad’s message appeal to the poor?
They were attracted to his message that goods should be shared.

7 3. Name some activities the Quran prohibits.
Murder, lying, gambling, stealing, eating pork, and drinking liquor

8 4. How did Muhammad link religion and government?
He applied God’s laws to all areas of life and used these laws to settle disputes among the people.

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