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Ch 10 sec 1-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 10 sec 1-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 10 sec 1-2

2 Crucifixion Some believe Other’s don’t
Roman leaders fear—threaten law and order

3 Jerusalem AD 33 Jesus goes to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover
Celebrate w/ disciples Arrest Jesus Treason Hung on Cross till dead Resurrection-rising from the dead Empty Tomb New religion

4 1st Christians Disciples spread the word Christians
Form churches for worship and teaching Studied Hebrew Bible and celebrated Last supper

5 Apostles Leaders who set up churches Peter and Paul
Go to Rome to start church

6 Paul Persecutes Jews Sent to Damascus City in Syria Hears Jesus’ voice
Spreads Christianity

7 Beliefs Jesus is the son of god Come to save people
Accept Jesus and gain salvation, saved from sin and enter heaven One god in 3 people Father Son Holy Spirit


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