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Overview of the Civil War

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1 Overview of the Civil War

2 List all of the things you think you know or have heard about the civil war?

3 The Confederacy Jefferson Davis- President (little political power)
Robert E. Lee- General of Confederate Army 11 southern States Border states? Capitol- Richmond, VA


5 Advantages of the Union
Population- 22 Million to South’s 5.5 million U.S. Navy Industry Railroads, factories, mines, roads, and canals Coal, Iron and Gold South’s economy was not diverse Slaves?

6 Advantages of the Confederacy
Generals- Lee and Jackson Cotton (at first) The North was not fighting for a “cause” like state’s rights and their way of life Stonewall Jackson

7 Strategies North South Anaconda Plan Lincoln suspends Habeas Corpus
Conscription South Cotton Europe Anaconda- blockade of the coast and control of the Mississippi River Habeas Corpus- rights to a speedy trial- could hold men in prison suspected to be southern sympathisers or copperheads without trying them with anything Conscription- draft, if you were rich you could buy a replacement but the poor northerners did not feel the war was necessary and did not want to fight so they will riot in New York City Cotton- felt it was so important that Europe would come to their aid

8 Turning Points of the War
Emancipation Proclamation Did it really free anyone? Vicksburg, Mississippi (May 18-July 4, 1863) EP- PR move to get Europe to not help south Vicksburg- Union troops set up south of the fort on miss. River, attack and take Jackson Miss. (get control of railroad into Vicksburg), last stronghold of the Miss. River Port Hudson also surrender after hearing of Vicksburg.

9 Turning Points of the War
Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) Gettysburg Address Gettysburg- Lee invades, why Gettysburg? – shoes!!, 3 day long battle, Picket’s Charge, 50,000 dead last time the south invades the north- after this the southern troops were pretty much on the run Gettysburg address- honor dead- not have died in vain, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

10 Nearing the End Sherman’s March to the Sea Siege of Petersburg
Nov 15-Dec 21, 1864 Atlanta to Savanah Total War Siege of Petersburg June 9, March 25, 1865 Trench Warfare Key to the supply of Richmond

11 Surrender Lee Surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia on April 9, 1865

12 Looking back at your list what misconceptions did you have about the civil war that you now know are not necessarily true

13 Florida In the Civil War
1860 population= 140,000 – 40% were slaves Voted to secede 62 to 7 Florida was a key supplier of much needed goods From Cuba and the Bahamas Confederacy wanted to protect FL for its ability to produce food and raise cattle Battle of Olustee Tallahassee- only capitol to not fall into Union hands until after Lee Surrenders

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