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Your chance to improve your grade…

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Presentation on theme: "Your chance to improve your grade…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your chance to improve your grade…
School Science Fair Your chance to improve your grade…

2 What Is a Science Fair? Students presenting their research from a controlled experiment The experiment must be designed by the student, run by the student, and then presented to judges in a open forum

3 What Do We Have To Do? Over the next few weeks you must:
Find a lab partner; only groups of 2! Formulate an experiment Write up a summary of the experiment and submit it to John for approval

4 What Do We Have To Do? Over break you must:
Perform your experiment numerous times (more data means better results) Organize a lab notebook for the experiment to be presented at the forum Write formal lab report (you must research how to do this online) Construct a presentation board for the science fair

5 What Do We Have To Do? After break:
Your lab report will be turned in for editing Present your experiment at the science fair using the presentation board Present your finalized lab report at the science fair for review by the judges

6 What Do We Get? In AP Bio: In Life:
All students that submit a lab proposal that I approve before Jan, 28th will receive 20 points add to their Quiz/Test Grade this term If you do not follow through with the experiment, you will lose these points next term All students that take part in the science fair will receive 10 bonus points next term All students that turn in a formal lab report will receive 10 bonus points next term Any student in AP Bio that wins 1st place in the fair gets 3% added to their final grade In Life: Valuable experience and an Official Award from Ameson Greater chance I will write you an recommendation letter for college applications

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