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Insta piece Insta growing and replicating many of Snapchat features. Some saying they will overtake – 200 million monthly daily engagement with Videos.

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Presentation on theme: "Insta piece Insta growing and replicating many of Snapchat features. Some saying they will overtake – 200 million monthly daily engagement with Videos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insta piece Insta growing and replicating many of Snapchat features. Some saying they will overtake – 200 million monthly daily engagement with Videos. 700 million monthly users 59% of world’s brands on Insta Videos/images on FB – double engagement 51 per cent of brands say video ROI Mobile growth – 3.1 hours a day; 43 billion in the US on ads (of total 73 billion spend on internet ads)

2 Insta piece UA’s underdog status: #RuleYourself campaign (hard work); sales increased every year for six years by 20 per cent by quarter (recent change) Random Acts of Kindness (also Gym Shark) social listening Shopping 62 per cent follow a brand because they like them 65% of top brand posts of product (sproutsocial research) But still clunky and better for research and insights – and influence Advance in Metrics: Google Attribution – can work out which post led to a sale

3 Bloggers - Takeaway Google Changes: Mobile-first ranking system
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) – Twitter/google – allows super quick access to mobile Content implications Less real estate on mobile – need snappy headlines and CTA above the fold Images: need a function Voice Search: growth: Google Home, Alexa, Echo etc: optimise content for voice queries Write how the user speaks (long tail keywords) Location matters for voice search and for Instagram – ‘conversational shopping’

4 Good Examples of Content
Quality is vital – for broadcast, words and images The Pool – Appointment Digital – daily schedule of content; engagement more important than volume Arsenal and UA don’t use filters on Insta. They hire professional photographers. (like owning an expensive pair of jeans and keeping up to date with primark)

5 Influencers - Takeaway
Worldwide social users expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2018 24 per cent of marketing budgets on SM by 2020 Keeping it real: Long term partnerships/ownership ‘social circles’ (L’Oreal) Micro influencers: niche; targeted; authentic; inexpensive INSTA THE CHOICE OF INFLUENCERS 1000 followers likes 8% of the time; 10m followers likes 1.6 per cent of the time 87% of Top Insta 300 said they will focus on Insta in You Tube too hard to penetrate.

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