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Welcome to Second Grade!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade!!

2 "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." - Kathy Davis A Little About Me

3 The Classroom What it’s not….. Sitting at desk all day. What it is…..
Worksheet, after worksheet Complete silence No movement Positive environment Hands on Movement Group work/discussion Independent work Games! STEM/Science Experiments The Classroom

4 Children are like fingerprints, no two are alike!!
Assessments are on- going and are used to help determine your child’s level. Different learning styles and levels = differentiation! Children are like fingerprints, no two are alike!!

5 Behavior Class Dojo Earn points for making good choices
Chance to make better decisions and earn points Points can be traded in for rewards Instant notification Class pictures Communication **Bad reception=Points at the end of the day!!

6 Classroom Rules

7 Red Tickets All students are aware of hallway rules
Can be given out by any 2nd grade teacher. 1 ticket is okay!!! Will be notified if it becomes a problem Red Tickets

8 “Pawsitive Behavior Ticket
Given to students who are setting an example of “pawsitive” hallway behavior. Can be given out by any 2nd grade teacher. Trip to the treat box! “Pawsitive Behavior Ticket

9 Agendas Check and initial daily
Students know it is their responsibility to get their agenda signed No news is good news!! Check mark means I have checked the agenda. Check front pocket for notes. Please take out all notes. Place homework in homework folder Notes and money in clear pocket Agendas

10 Reading Log Located in the agenda, in the front of every month
Number of minutes read and your initials Reading Log

11 Why Should Your Child Each Day?

12 AR 3 tests per week Check on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (Books read at home and school count but not with the teacher) Must score 80% or better School and Classroom incentives (points include books read at home and at school) AR levels are continuously adjusted throughout the year Chapter books-Let me know! Monthly reports.

13 AIMS Scores Might be lower than last year
Used as a baseline start for reading level Tested 3 times each year Reports will be sent home or written on the conference form AIMS Scores

14 Communication Very important for your child’s success.
Important for you to know what is going on in the classroom , notes, Class Dojo, agendas, Friday folders, Conferences Best way to reach me is through (planning in afternoon). Transportation Changes-Call office. Communication

15 Timed Tests Goal: Become Math Fact Masters in Addition and Subtraction
20 problems/one minute Weekly addition and subtraction timed tests (Thursdays) Master addition and subtraction facts, move on to multiplication and division Will be recognized at the end of year during the awards ceremony

16 Grades Number/Letter Grade Rubrics are used (writing and projects)
Friday folders go home each week (unless it is a short week). Please sign folder and return on Monday. Check all work sent home. Go over problems missed. Praise child for a job well done!! Grades

17 Engrade A new way to check your child’s grades. Enter grades weekly.
If blank, could mean….absent or out of the room at that time. First 9 weeks is a lot of teacher help or redo's. Gradually work toward more independence. Engrade

18 Scholastic Book Orders
Send home monthly Different book orders for different levels All points earned are used to purchase classroom books!! Scholastic Book Orders

19 Homework Homework 20-30 mins. (Avg. 2nd grader)
Collected on Friday. New homework goes home on Friday. Please keep homework in homework folder. Students will have a Math Sheet (usually 4-5 problems per day) and either a writing assignment or grammar Sheet Homework

20 Conferences Two a year (September and February)
Additional conferences can be arranged I am here to help you anyway I can. Conferences

21 Tips for a Successful Year
Your child needs to know his/her log in and password (birthdate mm/dd/yy) Access to computer-practice Word, Power point, and typing in web addresses Help teach your child responsibility Apply math and reading skills to the real world Read with your child daily Talk to your child about school Make school a priority Keep the communication lines open Tips for a Successful Year

22 Attendance Promote attendance
10 days of “class” perfect attendance. Not consecutive. Teacher spins the wheel Reward the next day! Attendance

23 Questions **See me afterwards to discuss personal issues.

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