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What is Google Classroom?

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2 What is Google Classroom?

3 Create a Class Click on the + in the upper right corner
Fill in the information for class Click Create Click on Students. This will allow you to start inviting students.

4 Join a class To receive assignments from your teacher, manage work, and communicate with your classmates, you first need to sign in to Classroom and join your teacher’s class. You have 2 ways to join a class: If your teacher gives you a class code, use this code to add yourself to the class. If your teacher sends an invitation, open your class stream and click Join on the class card.

5 Add Assignments Create assignment in Google Forms.
In the class, click on the + and then “create assignment”. Insert required information. Click on the drive symbol. Choose your created form or document for the assignment. If it is a document for a written assignment, be sure to click on “Make a copy for each student”. Click on assign and you can schedule it, save it, or assign it immediately.

6 To see responses 2 ways to view:
Go to Assignment and open in sheets for individual scores. Go to your form. Click responses and scroll down for class summary scores and how students did overall on each question.

7 Grading: Students can get immediate feedback with points in Google. Flubaroo is another grading option. It is an add-on. If a percentage score is desired, you will need to use Flubaroo (add-on). This add-on also allows teachers to print individual student responses with percentage grade for a hard copy to send home.

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