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Presentation on theme: "CLASS ROOM RULES AND ROUTINES"— Presentation transcript:

2016 CLASS ROOM RULES AND ROUTINES This is a power point in three sections: Section 1…interactive, deciding on “look-fors” pertaining to the 6P’s Section 2…instructional routines, slides practiced with different activities, comprehension quiz Section 3…class routines, anticipation guide, comprehension quiz

2 The past -- shows us where we have been and Informs who we are… but does not determine where we are going or who we will be. Journal…turn in as admit slip

3 My goals for you… Learning takes place… Everyday Bell-to-bell Safe environment for all to learn… Safe to make mistakes Accountability and ownership Safe to ask questions/explore new learning Your right to learn and be in class does not outweigh another student’s rights to learn and be in class To see you become … the student you can be, the person you can be, the leader you can be.

4 R e s p e c t emembering Very day Upport, Rotect, Ncourage, elebrate
to Upport, Rotect, Ncourage, and elebrate Have students volunteer definitions for “respect”… Show slide, discuss what each of the verbs means/looks like our Alents & triumphs


6 Voluntary Focus Seating Student WAH-SPACE Teacher WAH-SPACE Personal
belongings Student WAH-SPACE Teacher WAH-SPACE Voluntary Focus Seating

7 Phones Technology School Supplies Bathroom Break

8 C a n’ t ompletely dmitting I’m Ot Going to ry
What are some reasons we don’t try new things? Think-pair-share What emotions are tied to not trying new things? Fear, uncertainty, nervous, low self-esteem “if you knew how to do all that this class has to teach you, you wouldn’t need this class. You are expected to make mistakes…that is one the most efffective ways to learn. Use what you do know to help you figure out what you don’t know. Use your talents and strengths not only to help yourself, but to help others. You CAN do what is expected of you. You are RESPONSIBLE for listening, asking questions, advocating and trying your best.” ry


Attending skills Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting Prepared…supplies, attention Participation…following directions Producing…completing activities/assignments Appropriate body language Sitting upright Head up Eye contact M&M game Prediction Chart Level of Communication Silent, active listening Asking clarifying and validating questions Discussion about activity/assignment

11 SMALL GROUP activity Attending skills Tribal Rules/Synergy
Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting Prepared…supplies, attention Participation…following directions Producing…completing activities/assignments PMA…positive, encouraging Tribal Rules/Synergy Appropriate body language Sitting upright Head up Eye contact Choose an adjective that begins with your first initial and explain why that adjective is appropriate. Tell your partner. Partner introduces you, stating name, adjective and reason. Level of Communication Active listening Adult mode: sharing ideas, problem solving Quiet voice Asking clarifying and validating questions Discussion about activity, project or assignment

12 Problem solving Reread any directions or passage
Ask clarifying or validating questions Seek other’s opinions/advice Brainstorm possible solutions Choose the best solution Carry out solution Evaluate results of solution chosen Repeat steps if needed

13 Independent work Attending skills Appropriate body language
Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting Prepared…supplies, attention Participating…following directions Producing…completing activities/assignments PMA…CAN-DO attitude Prompt… goal setting, time management, on-time completion Appropriate body language Sitting upright Head up Discuss how completed assignments need name, date and assignment title Papers missing these will be ungraded, posted on board. Once identified, three points will be deducted from grade for each item missing. Students complete puzzle piece collage. Level of Communication Silent Talking quietly with a peer about the work, with permission Asking clarifying and validating questions

14 REQUESTING HELP Reread directions: circle verbs, underline important information; try again Ask a friend to explain the assignment or problem In adult mode, ask teacher for help If available, be specific in your request If unavailable, go on to the next step or problem or question Practice reading/dissecting directions on white board with overhead

Dismissal occurs when teacher dismisses… NOT based on the clock or what others are doing Clean up your personal space (desk/floor) Neatly return all supplies to rightful place Hand in all finished assignments – with name, date and assignment Store unfinished assignments in work folder Wait seated at desk patiently until teacher dismisses you


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