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VIP of China.

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1 VIP of China

2 Entry Task If you had a section in a history book written about you, 200 years from now, what would the heading be? What would you be remembered for?

3 Empress Wu The only female in Chinese history to rule as emperor
Ruled China during one of its more peaceful and culturally diverse periods. set the practice of government run by scholars Chinese Buddhism achieved its highest development under the reign of Wu Zetian.

4 Genghis Khan “The great joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms.”

5 Genghis Khan Born "Temujin" in Mongolia around 1162
he Mongol Empire was the largest empire in the world before the British Empire Genghis Khan organized the Mongols into a powerful army By the time of his death, all of northern China was under his control.

6 Genghis Khan Granted religious freedom to his subjects,
Abolished torture, Encouraged trade Created the first international postal system.

7 Hudson Taylor Open your book to page 84.
You guys are going to do my work for me! No it’s not slave labor 4 bullet points on Hudson Taylor

8 Hudson Taylor Was known as the “Father of Faith Mission
He mastered the Chinese language His motto was “Move Men Through Prayer Relied on God to provide, not man Changed his appearance and lifestyle to fit in with Chinese Culture.

9 Kublai Khan Fleet

10 Marco Polo Italian explorer and trader
Left Italy in 1271 bound for Asia Returned to Europe 20 years later Among the treasures: ivory, jewels, jade, porcelain, and silk.

11 Marco Polo Marco wrote an epic book about his travel
Inspired others to travel to China He served as governor of a Chinese city, then later, Khan appointed him as an official of the Privy Council. At one point, he was the tax inspector in the city of Yanzhou.

12 The Marco Polo Effect

13 The Marco Polo Effect Opened China to European trade
Renewed interest in the Silk Road

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