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The Mongols.

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1 The Mongols

2 Genghis Khan Genghis Khan was a brilliant organizer and used many smart strategies to win. He would pretend to retreat during battle but instead Genghis Khan went to get a bigger army. Genghis Khan also poured salt over fields so crops can’t grow. He would dress prisoners or dummies as a Mongol solder and use spies to find the enemies weakness. Born with the name Temujin and received the title “Genghis Khan” or universal ruler of the Mongolian clan Conquered most of Asia Genghis Khan was interested in China but then he focused his attention to the Islamic Region due to the murders of Mongolian traders and the ambassador.

3 Genghis Khan used many inventions and technology
Genghis Khan used many inventions and technology. He captured Chinese engineers to built catapults and create gunpowder. And he used these weapons against China. One of Genghis Khan’s weapons was his cruelty. He used it to scare his enemies. Stirrups: it allowed a Mongol soldier to stand, turn and shoot arrows behind them. When food is scarce, a Mongol soldier may make a small cut in his horse’s neck and drink the blood.

4 Kublai Khan Grandson of Genghis Khan [1260 A.D.]
Started the Yuan Dynasty in China which lasted about 100 years. Kublai moved China’s capital north to Beijing and restored the Great Canal so food and supplies can be shipped more easily to Southern China. Improvement of the Silk Road. Europeans received paper, porcelain, printing, gunpowder and other inventions from the Chinese. In return China received glass, clothes, cotton, silver, carpets, honey, and slaves.

5 Kublai Khan had a friend called Marco Polo
Kublai Khan had a friend called Marco Polo. He served Kublai for 17 years. Marco Polo learned several Asian languages. When Marco Polo went back to Italy in 1292, he told stories about how amazing China was. His stories were written in a book “Descriptions of the World”.

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