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Welcome to Chemistry, Fall 2009!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chemistry, Fall 2009!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chemistry, Fall 2009!!!
Today Syllabus Tomorrow Why should we care about chemistry? Mini-scholars Wednesday Quiz How to take notes in a science class

2 Who Mr. Jhaveri is?

3 When You Enter the Classroom…
Greet Mr. Jhaveri Walk over to Mr. Jhaveri’s desk, and… Pick up one copy of EACH document The first person from each group to enter the room should pick up their group folder. Take a seat, and begin work on the Catalyst Questions (they will be on the board) immediately and QUIETLY. Catalysts must be answered in complete sentences! After explaining the last bullet point, have students get up, leave classroom, re-enter properly. Class must start efficiently for us to get where we need to go.

4 Mystery element -Every Monday, you will learn about another element following these steps… Write down 3 interesting facts from Mr. Jhaveri in boxes on Weekly Worksheet Silently, write a Hypothesis (guess) on line above fact boxes - What element do you think it is? Write the Actual element on line above fact boxes n-Interesting Facts: 1.  This element is colorless. 2  This element is needed for combustion. 3.  This element makes up 21% of the earth’s atmosphere. Now, make a Hypothesis silently!

5 Catalyst (FIRST ONE EVER!!)
Describe the picture on your desk in as much detail as possible. This must be at least three sentences.

6 Quantitative/Qualitative
As scientists, we describe our data in two different ways Quantitative – numerical information gathered from scientific measurement Examples: Mr. Jhaveri is 6’10’’ tall. Mr. Jhaveri can lift 900 pounds. Qualitative – result of observation using 5 senses The floor is brown. The music is loud. Calendar- did anyone tell me where these pictures came for?

7 Forming Groups Every group must rotate so that one leg is in the masking tape square! When you rotate, you must pick up your desk (workout!). I want to hear minimal scratching on the floor. This will be a common occurrence in our class so we must get good at it. This should take 10 seconds.

8 Demo Time During demo fill out the sheets as outlined in the procedure

9 Exit Questions What is your teacher’s name?
What is the proper procedure for entering the classroom? What is the proper procedure for moving into groups? DON’T FORGET: Count your team points, and let Mr. Jhaveri know The last person in your group to leave the room turns in your group folder

10 Catalyst Make a list of everything you have done since stepping foot into this classroom just now. Be specific. Some level of amazement because we are this fine-tuned machine, and we are learning how we operate, how this fine-tuned machine works. We are learning everything from how the smallest to the most complex organisms work, and beyond---to multiple generations, millions of years.

11 Independent Reading Time

12 Syllabus – Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2
Science is Inquiry/How to be a scientist What does it MATTER? Atoms and Periodic Table Quarter 2 Chemical Hook-ups Reaction Actions Chemistry Grab-bag

13 Louisiana Is… 45th in the nation for student achievement in math and science tests in the nation for student success (admission into college) 49th The point: procedures save us time, and we need AS MUCH AS WE CAN GET in order to catch up. We are behind, and we have GOT to WORK HARD to get even.

14 Big Goal Class average of 80% mastery for all Louisiana Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) Point out class mastery tracker, point out “class culture” day threshold at 90%.

15 Syllabus – Materials 2” binder, with six sections
Syllabus and chemistry resumes Notes Weekly sheets Classwork and homework Tests, quizzes, and review packets Vocabulary Chemistry resumes = used to track progress toward Big Goal. No need to go into detail yet. Explain next Monday, when we do tracking for the first time. Vocabulary = section with 26 sheets of blank lined paper, A-Z. Will write new vocabulary words there.

16 Syllabus – Consequences
Warning, name on board Lunch detention After-school detention, phone call home Referral Consequences are cumulative and reset weekly

17 Absences and Honors If you were absent yesterday…
Go over to the Absences/Honors station Find the “This Week” container Find the “Monday” folder Take one copy of each handout from the folder Make-up work MUST be turned by the end of the week you come back to school. No late assignments accepted!

18 Absences and Honors If you ever finish ALL your work early…
Go over to the Absences/Honors station Find the “Honors Work” binder Take out honors work, and work on it! Every item of honors work you complete is worth extra credit points. “Why is it so important that we are ALWAYS working on something? Well, that leads us to the Catalyst review…”

19 What is Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter, their properties, and reactions! Scientists have studied and figured out things for hundreds of years. I’m so confident in it, I’m willing to be a dollar on it.

20 Glo-sticks Break glass that has different chemical, exothermic
Hydrogen peroxide and phenyl oxalate ester

21 Prescriptions Certain drugs have to be engineered to get where they need to go. Example: Blood Brain Barrier- need to be non polar to cross… need chemistry to figure drugs out

22 The Chemistry of Recycling
Different types of plastic Each item has to be treated differently to make them useful again… lots of chemistry used

23 Pheromones Do you really have game or is it your armpit sweat that is attracting mates? Lots of research that certain smells cause attraction.

24 Nuclear Power Produces a lot of energy, but hazardous waste and crazy bombs… is this technology worth it?

25 So Why Do We Care? Chemistry is cool! Want money?
Chemistry is on the GEE (Graduate Exit Exam), which you need to pass to graduate high school. The more education you get, the more money you earn. On average, college graduates earn $22,000 more than high-school graduates, every year.

26 Goal…

27 Mini Scholars Head: What is the burning question in your head? What is one question you would like someone to answer? Heart: What do you hold closest to your heart? What do you care about more than anything else? Stomach: What makes you sick to your stomach? What really upsets you? Hands: What do you bring to this class? What is your unique contribution? Feet: What do you want to walk out of here with at the end of the year? What do you want to accomplish? Each group needs to send one person up to my desk to get… 1 pair of markers (for the whole group), 1 cardboard cut-out (for each person) Once you finish your poster, HAVE ME CHECK IT, and we’ll hang it on the wall. THEN, start working on the QUIZ REVIEW GUIDE. Save at least 40 minutes for this activity.

28 Group Folders Turn in homework and weekly sheets by putting them in the LEFT POCKET of your group folder. I will return homework/weekly sheets to you in the RIGHT POCKET of your group folder. The LAST PERSON to leave the room should drop off their group’s folder in the turn-in bin on my desk.

29 Homework Student surveys Parent surveys Class item
Bring binder with dividers! $10 lab fee 10 bonus points if you bring this in by Friday 5 bonus points if you bring this in by Next Friday -1 point for every single day after that Since I don’t know how long periods will run, this slide will stay up for a while and any flex time will be used to begin work on the homework. It should take about 30 minutes to get to here. If periods are (heaven forbid) normal length, keep going.

30 Top Ten This is a way for you to gain points as a class.
ARE YOU GOING TO BE PART OF THE BEST CLASS? Are you going to put on for this class? This is the way to do it… We will track points versus classes… there will be rewards for reaching certain thresholds.

31 Exit Question Procedure
Notes away, rows, silent classroom Grading Graded for effort, not accuracy But if you copy or do not try you earn a 0 Remember the bell does not dismiss you, I do. Exit question = assesses THE most important things learned that day. If you can answer the exit question correctly, then you know you learned what you needed to learn. The exit question is a way for me to understand how well you understood the lesson. It’s a waste of my time if you copy or leave it blank

32 Exit Question What do you think you are going to have to do to be successful? *Don’t forget your materials and $10 lab fee 10 bonus points if you bring this in by Friday 5 bonus points if you bring this in by Next Friday -1 point for every single day after that DON’T FORGET: Put your homework and weekly packets into the LEFT SIDE of your group folder. Count your team points, and let Mr. Jhaveri know. The last person in your group to leave the room turns in your group folder

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