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Name That Religion: Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity

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Presentation on theme: "Name That Religion: Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name That Religion: Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity

2 . 1. Mohammed

3 . 2. Siddhartha Gautama

4 3. Abraham as an ancestor- Name 2.

5 . 4. Reincarnation- Name 2

6 . 5. Resurrection

7 6. Yom Kippur 6a. What is it?

8 7. Hajj 7a. What is it?

9 8. Vedas 8a- What are they

10 . 9. Koran or Qur'an 9a. What is it

11 10. Torah 10a. What is it?

12 . 11. Ramadan 11a. What is it?

13 12. Four Noble Truths

14 13. Krishna 13a. Who was he?

15 . 14. Sex only within marriage

16 . 15. Burka 15a. What is it?

17 . 16. Ten Commandments

18 17. Nothing from a pig- Name 2

19 . 18. Sermon on the Mount

20 19. Dalai Lama 19a. Who is he

21 20. Allah

22 21. Brahma

23 22. Love your enemies

24 . 23. Law of Karma- Name 2

25 24. Jihad 24a. What in Christianity was similar to it?

26 25. Caste system

27 26. Sabbath

28 27. Nirvana 27a- What is it?

29 28. Monotheistic- Name three.

30 29. Polytheistic- Name two.

31 30. Yahweh 30a. What is it?

32 31. Mecca 31a. Where is it?

33 32. Mosque 32 a. What is it?

34 33. Mandir 33a. What is it?

35 . 34. Synagogue

36 35. Alcohol forbidden

37 36. Holy book written in Arabic

38 37. Holy Book written in Hebrew

39 38. Holy book written in Greek

40 39. Holy books written in Sanskrit.

41 40. No founder

42 41. Hanukkah 41a. What is it?

43 42. Communion and baptism

44 43. Messiah

45 44. Noble Eightfold Path

46 . 45. Mandala 45a. What is it?

47 . 46. Shiva 46a. What is it?

48 . 47. Son of God

49 . 48. Crescent Moon

50 . 49. Fish as a symbol

51 . 50. Pope

52 51. Star of David

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