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Do-First: Find this page in your small pack!

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Presentation on theme: "Do-First: Find this page in your small pack!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-First: Find this page in your small pack!
SWBAT Discover the basics of Confucianism to create a Facebook Page detailing the life of Confucius Canvas PreAP_Confucianism_2016

2 Confucianism Confucianism is NOT a religion, but rather, a fundamental system of beliefs. Sound familiar??? CONFUCIANISM IS A PHILOSOPHY!

3 The life of Confucius Confucius was born in 551 BCE, during the Zhou (pronounced JOE) dynasty in China. He died in 479 BCE During this time period, only the nobility were educated. If you were not of a wealthy family, you were not given a chance for education. Confucius was born to a poor family. He was given no formal schooling but had a deep desire to learn. At the age of 15, this desire caused him to take a job working for a noble man. Through this job, he was given the chance at some education.

4 What did Confucius think???
He thought the development of responsibility and moral character was best achieved through a strict code of behavior. Confucius thought that there were five basic virtues that everyone needed to follow: Kindness Righteousness Sobriety Wisdom Trustworthiness

5 According to Confucius….
There are five basic rules of behavior…. Always be considerate to others Respect your ancestors Try for harmony and balance in all things Avoid extremes in behavior and emotion If you live in peace and harmony, then you will be in contact with the spiritual forces of the universe, including nature.

6 Long Lasting Effects… You Need All
Civil Service Examinations Taken in order to participate in the government in China Eliminated promotion and hiring based on family ties. Filial Piety Ultimate respect of your family comes from Confucianism and the Mandate of Heaven The Mandate of Heaven is the idea that all governmental power comes from the gods.

7 Cycle of the Mandate of Heaven
Family gains the Mandate of Heaven Things go well in Dynasty- people trust family Problems begin to happen in the dynasty Family is said to have lost the Mandate Families battle for power and to have the Mandate


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