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Shang Dynasty – Chou Dynasty

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1 Shang Dynasty – Chou Dynasty
China Chinese Civilization: Shang Dynasty – Chou Dynasty

2 LEARNING TARGETS: I CAN explain how China’s geography shape its history. I CAN identify the key personalities in China.


4 flourished in the valley of Huang Ho (Yellow River) and Yangtze River
plain between the rivers was known as China’s heartland early Chinese had to supply their own goods

5 HAN DYNASTY Xia Dynasty (Legendary Dynasty) Shang Dynasty Chou Dynasty
Ancient Chinese River Valleys Shang Dynasty (First Historical Dynasty) Chou Dynasty HAN DYNASTY Chin Dynasty (China’s First Empire)

6 Shang Chou Ch’in Han Sui Tang Sung Yuan Ming Qing Republic Communist


8 founded by King Tang reached Bronze Age China’s first family of rulers to leave written records replaced the legendary dynasty known as Xia (Hsia) Dynasty

9 practiced ancestor worship
used oracle bones (for writing) which were made from shoulder blade of animals or turtle shells had a writing system

10 farming community planted rice and millet used elephants in battle wove silk cloth laid the foundation of Chinese ceramic art


12 toppled down the last king of the Shang Dynasty
was divided into two periods: the Eastern Chou and Western Chou longest reigning dynasty (900 years) used iron and learned to domesticate and ride horses

13 first dynasty to use the MANDATE OF HEAVEN – belief that granted emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well, appropriately and fairly; gives right to topple ineffective rulers. 

14 philosophy flourished in China
Some of the Philosophies that flourished during Chou Dynasty: 1) Legalism 2) Confucianism 3) Taoism

15 LEGALISM believes that a ruler must have absolute power
encouragement and rewards for those who perform well harsh punishments must be given to those who disobey control people’s ideas and actions

16 CONFUCIANISM introduced by Confucius
defined ways on how to behave in relationship with others emphasized family relationships, especially FILIAL PIETY – respect and obedience for elders

17 TAOISM introduced by Lao Tzu
aimed to discover the “Tao” or the way of the natural universe and live in harmony with nature conceptualized yin - yang

18 SUN TZU military strategist wrote the Art of War
focuses more on defeating the enemy psychologically rather than materially and physically

19 Shang Dynasty – Chou Dynasty
China Chinese Civilization: Shang Dynasty – Chou Dynasty

20 Chin Dynasty – Han Dynasty
China Chinese Civilization: Chin Dynasty – Han Dynasty

21 LEARNING TARGETS: I CAN identify the key personalities in China. I CAN express my thoughts about the deeds and contributions of Chin and Han Dynasty.


23 China’s First Empire China’s named patterned after the empire founded by SHI HUANG-TI – China’s first emperor made the empire united gave China a form of government that lasted for more than 2000 years

24 SHI HUANG-TI stopped wars in China and conquered barbaric lands
responsible for giving China’s name ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China and Terra Cotta Army

25 SHI HUANG-TI standardized system of writing and measurements
ordered many books to be burned ordered noble families to live in his city built a highway of over 4,000 miles

26 SHI HUANG-TI constructed irrigation projects for the farmers
introduced currency imposed harsh taxes and had an oppressive government


28 replaced Ch’in Dynasty
considered as Golden Age in Chinese history utilized SINOCENTRISM – belief that considered Chinese culture as superior to other culture and China as the center of the civilized world

29 due to that belief, early Chinese called themselves as “People of the Han”
established by Liu Bang or Gaozu ( a rebel who came from the peasant class)

30 WU-TI most powerful Han emperor known as “Martial Emperor”
declared Confucianism as the official ideology of the government extended the boundaries of the empire


32 university was founded study the teachings of Confucius and other great writings – the lessons use in taking the civil service examination

33 paper was invented used for record keeping, etc.

34 invented collar harnesses made possible for horses to pull heavy loads

35 wheelbarrow was invented

36 invented watermills to grind grains
helped Han Dynasty to feed 60 million people one of the factors that led agriculture to be the most important and honored occupation

37 created the world’s first seismograph – an instrument that detects and measures earthquakes

38 recorded information about comets, stars, eclipses, planets, etc.
invented accurate calendar, star maps and several astronomical instruments

39 made porcelains’ surface smooth and clean
silk was exported to different places outside China magnetic compass was also invented

40 Chin Dynasty – Han Dynasty
China Chinese Civilization: Chin Dynasty – Han Dynasty

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