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Bell Ringer Before the bell rings: sharpen pencils, turn in home learning to class inbox, take out planner, check no name paper wall, claim lost and found.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Before the bell rings: sharpen pencils, turn in home learning to class inbox, take out planner, check no name paper wall, claim lost and found."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Before the bell rings: sharpen pencils, turn in home learning to class inbox, take out planner, check no name paper wall, claim lost and found items, etc. When music stops, so does talking and you should be settled. Haven’t finished the Achieve 3000 Level Set? Get your assigned computer and log-on. Forget your number? Check the clipboard on the cart. You’ll skip today’s bell ringer to finish the Level Set. Get a student to pass out comp. books

2 Setting up our Comp. Books
Materials Needed: Comp. book from bin  Pencil Desk cleared of everything else (except your computer)

3 Front Cover (Outside) Double check it has your first and last name, Ms. Barker, and your class period on the OUTSIDE cover.

4 Table of Contents Table of Contents Open up the front cover.
Date Assignment Pages First 3 pages should look like this & you WILL write on the back on pages in your comp. book.

5 Adding your first entry
Table of Contents Date Assignment Pages Add the following to your FIRST Table of Contents page: 8/ Bell Ringer: Conveyor On the FIRST table of contents page, write your first entry. It should look like the above picture.

6 First Entry: Directions
Flip to the first BLANK page AFTER the table of contents. Leave this page intentionally BLANK. *NOTE: For your comp. book you MAY write on both sides of the page. Title the page. Write ‘Bell Ringer: Conveyor’ and number the outer, bottom corner ‘1.’ You’ll add page numbers as you go. Remember to stay on top of it.

7 Mission Accomplished! I knew you could do it . . .

8 Bell Ringer: Conveyor After the intentionally blank page, title your first entry across the top of the page. Answer the question by: RESTATING the question in your answer Writing in complete sentences. Be prepared to share out Get a student to pass out comp. books

9 Bell Ringer: Conveyor 1.What do you observe happening in this picture? 2.Based on your knowledge, what is the possible reason for the items being placed on this belt? 3.Why would this be useful in creating and packaging consumer goods? 4.What are possible synonyms for the word conveyor? 5. What are possible antonyms of the word conveyor? Get a student to pass out comp. books

10 Housekeeping Announcements:
Bring collections textbook to class until told to stop Due today: Signed syllabus Overdue: Summer reading assignments. Turn in ASAP. Tonight’s home learning: Me at a Glance worksheet Cast Member applications Parent extra credit

11 Stream to Start video Watch the following video and be prepared to share out two things you hope to learn about consumer culture.

12 Objectives I can cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RI.1.1) I can determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. (RI.1.2)

13 Essential Question What is the central idea of “Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century” and what evidence from the text supports this idea?

14 We Do – 7B Questions Answers/Citations How has the popularity of the TV changed over time? TV went from not existing to booming popularity in less than 100 years. As seen in lines 1-4, information conveyed by word of mouth was replaced by TV broadcasts for its convenience and accuracy. How has the existence of TV changed the way people interact with one another? Lines hint that TVs are present in American’s lives since birth and thus are taking a major role in how they live their lives. As continued in lines 39 – 43, the TV has moved into the role of the fireplace. Gathering is centered around this new technology and detracts somewhat from face-to-face conversation. How does the TV change activities people engage in? Children are increasingly self-sufficient when navigating a TV on their own, lines 57 – 61 reveals. Studies outlined in lines show opposing results. On one hand, increased TV may hurt togetherness and on the other hand it may offer families time to spend together. When others are present, TV viewing is more likely to be a social experience whereas, when more TVs are in the house, children are more likely to watch TV by themselves (as seen in lines 85 – 98.) On next blank page in your comp. book, create a T-chart (two columns) and title it after the story on page 221.

15 We Do – 8B Questions Answers/Citations How has the popularity of the TV changed over time? Lines 1 – 4 states that TV moved from being non-existent to replacing the spread of information verbally. Lines suggest that TVs are woven into American culture so much that they are present from a person’s birth and beyond. How has the presence of TVs shaped American lifestyle? Americans use TVs in central locations and as lines suggest, families gather in these common spaces with TVs as the central focus. Over time TVs have moved from a want to where now they are considered a need (as seen on lines 47 – 48.) TVs have started to replace fireplaces which promoted more face-to-face interaction than the media relayed through the television sets as seen in lines 32 – 43. Who is impacted the most by TV? Children are most influence by TV as seen in lines 55 – 65. Some studies show TV benefits social interaction, as seen in line 66 – 69, whereas others argue it damages social interaction. Likewise, kids are more likely to view TV independently as seen in lines and this is increased when children have TVs in their bedrooms. This idea is supported in lines 89 – 93 of the text. On next blank page in your comp. book, create a T-chart (two columns) and title it after the story on page 221.

16 You Do With your group members, finish reading the next section of the text (‘the Material Legacy of TV”) and continue to take notes in your T-chart. Questions Answer/Citations

17 Closing Type into your URL address bar/web browser.
Enter the game pin Type your and submit it. class period, full first name you go by in class and last initial Get a student to pass out comp. books For example, if our class mascot, Arturo Turtle, has ELA 6B he’d enter the following info…

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