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The Great War WWI.

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1 The Great War WWI

2 An American Hero

3 The All-Spark * June 28th, 1914 Francis Ferdinand assassinated.
Killed by a Bosnian Serb. Member of the Black Hand or Union of Death

4 The Target

5 War Declared *July 23: Austria-Hungary gave Serbia an ultimatum.
Austria-Hungary gave Serbia 48 hours to answer the ultimatum or face war. *War declared on July 28, 1914

6 War!

7 The War * Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria. * Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, later Japan, and Montenegro. *Italy remains neutral

8 The Sides

9 Schlieffen Plan * created by Alfred von Schlieffen in 1905.
Did not work. Helmuth von Moltke was unable to advance due to heavy fortification and strong resistance.

10 The Mastermind

11 Marne * September 5th French versus the Germans
After 4 days, Germans were pushed back 50 miles. *signifies the abandonment of the Schlieffen Plan.

12 The Battle

13 Verdun * February 1916: Germans staged an attack at Verdun in France.
Verdun is a massive fortress in France. Henri-Philippe Petain *A six month siege was ended when the Germans abandoned the attack.

14 The Fortress

15 Somme *British and French attacked Germans in the Somme River Valley
* Germans lost 500,000 *British lost 400,000 *French lost 200,000

16 The Trench

17 Gallipoli * Winston Churchill wanted to stage an Allied attack on the Dardanelles Strait. Only way of opening supply line to Russia. *April 1915: attacked Gallipoli but Turks pushed them back.

18 A Young Mel

19 United States Enters *1917 U.S. enters WWI.
Public opinion prior thought not to enter the war as they were not all too happy with the Allies. *February 1917: Woodrow Wilson cuts diplomacy with Germany in response for threats to sink ships

20 Join The Army

21 United States 2 *March 1917: Arthur Zimmerman was German foreign minister. * Spoke with German ambassador to Mexico. * Said in return for Mexican support Germany would help them retake NM, TX, and AZ.

22 Hell No! We Won’t Go!

23 United States 3 * April 2, 1917 President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war. * In response for sinking four American merchant ships.

24 Bring It On!

25 War’s End * The war ended November 11th, 1918.
Nearly 9 million soldiers were dead. 21 million were wounded.

26 The Place In Question

27 Paris Peace Conference
*January 1919 had delegates from 27 nations from Paris. * President Wilson (US), Georges Clemenceau (FRANCE), David Lloyd George (GB), Vittorio Orlando (Italy).

28 Peace At Last

29 Treaty of Versailles * Reduced German military and banned conscription (the draft) and weapons manufacturing. *Reduced Germany’s size back to Alsace-Lorraine. *Re-establish an independent Poland.

30 The Damage

31 Treaty 2 * Germany lost overseas colonies.
*treaty signed June 28, 1919. *1 Trillion German Deutschmarks equal 1 American dollar.

32 Major Inflation

33 Well Done Cadet!

34 You’ve Reached The End!

35 Ya, Done Good, Pilgrim!


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