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E-bikes and the Sharing Economy

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1 E-bikes and the Sharing Economy
Roger Geffen Policy Director Cycling UK

2 About Cycling UK 64,000 members, founded 1878
Cycling activities, membership services (legal, insurance, magazine) Campaigning nationally and locally Cycling development e.g. cycle training, projects for under-represented / disadvantaged groups

3 Our campaigning Covers 6 themes:
Commitment to cycling: cycling’s place in transport, planning, economic, environmental policy Design for cycling: the planning and design of roads, streets and junctions, new developments, highway maintenance Safe drivers and vehicles: traffic law and enforcement, lorries etc ‘Smarter choices’: cycle training, promotion of cycling in schools and workplaces, to under-represented groups etc Public transport integration: trains, buses, tram / transit systems, aviation, shipping – and hire bikes! Off-road access – rights of way, canals/riversides, key landowners and designated sites / areas etc

4 Live campaigns Space for Cycling: supporting local cycling advocates / groups to enlist political support for high-quality cycle network planning (“plan, invest, build”) and secure funding Road Justice: strengthening road traffic law and its enforcement Rides of Way and Trails for Wales: opening up off-road access

5 Cars of the future: Our proposed stance
Should be electric, in shared ownership and driverless Driverless cars could be a curse… Everyone could own one, including children etc Cyclists / peds forced to keep out of the way … or a blessing Driverless cars facilitates shared ownership – which in turn reduces car use Reduces space consumption for both parked and moving vehicles: more space for cycling, space for living? Once they can detect AND predict cyclists and peds and are safer than human-driven cars, we should go driverless as quickly and completely as possible

6 Ambivalence on e-cars Source: An analysis of urban transport: Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, 2009 Economic costs of urban congestion, road casualties, air pollution and physical inactivity in England are of similar magnitude: c£10bn each (2009 estimate). So don’t treat these as 4 separate problems. Tackle all four together: fewer cars, not just newer cars.

7 Support for e-bikes Need to feature in Government’s Air Quality Strategy (still awaited!), its 25-year Environment Strategy and its Industrial Strategy. Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) should support e-bikes, not just electric motor vehicles. Grounds for not doing so are inconsistent with evidence, and with rationale for Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS)

8 Are e-bikes “cheating”?
Merely switching same trips from conventional to e-bikes would reduce physical activity. But e-bikes increase both number and length of trips: Older and/or less able people => huge health benefits; Longer trips: CO2 savings far bigger than conventional bikes. Per mile, energy consumption / carbon footprint of e-bike travel far lower than e-car. Opportunities for cargo bikes and pedicabs, thus reducing van and taxi traffic too

9 Dockless hire bikes Hire bikes a proven introduction to cycling Dockless allows cheaper and more flexible operations But risks of clutter, poorly-maintained bikes etc. Cycling UK very keen to support well-run dockless bikes – upsides without downsides. Support Bikeplus Charter. We MAY need powers for LAs to regulate – to avoid a race to the bottom of low standards

10 The gateway drug to cycling!
Hiring out e-bikes: The gateway drug to cycling! Hire bikes are a great intro to cycling – ‘Boris Bike’ users soon buy their own bikes (TfL data) E-bikes are a great intro to cycling “Try before you buy” e-bike hire schemes are a doubly great intro to cycling: evidence from Netherlands, Norway and now UK Time to go mainstream!

11 E-bikes and the Sharing Economy
Roger Geffen Policy Director Cycling UK

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