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1 Welcome

2 1. Be much stronger 2. Live a much longer and healthier life 3
1. Be much stronger 2. Live a much longer and healthier life 3. Be much more energetic and refreshed

3 Taoist Eight-Diamond QiGong
“If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong.”- Dr. Mehmet Oz Presented by: Jack Yang

4 What is it? Used to be a secret Taoist Kungfu, a skill from a master to a single disciple, dates back to the Tang Dynasty(618–907 AD). Current Successor: 103 years old (born in 1912, During Qing Dynasty) —Still teaching The ancient Chinese practice for health, therapy, and longevity. Zhishun Zhang

5 Why QiGong? ANYONE can do it!
No restrictions-- no matter how old you are, no matter where you practice it. Easy to learn– 8 easy movements Easy to practice– 15~20mins a day (for all 8 movements) Pertinence– certain movements improve certain body parts Fast results– healthier body and mind within 2~3 months

6 Why not? Weight Lifting? 1. Strong muscles can block blood circulation Comparison: Ice & Water 2. Elevated heart rate after working out– cannot calm down

7 Quote from Bruce Lee 6/7/2018

8 How? Keeps the balance between Yin and Yang Promotes a calm mind
Uses the internal force (Qi) to improve health condition Stretches and moves every part of body

9 Results? Regulates digestion and metabolism
Increases body’s flexibility Develops a calm, focused mind 6/7/2018

10 Is that ALL ?? NO!! Results? Relieves depression and anxiety
Increases energy and strength Prevents diseases and brings longevity Is that ALL ?? NO!! 6/7/2018

11 Do QiGong ! Thank you!

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