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Presentation on theme: "Manicure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manicure

2 Session 1 What we will cover in today’s lesson:
Benefits to a manicure treatment Your experiences of the treatment Preparation of the work area Contra-indications to a manicure Equipment and products needed Manicure procedure Practice filing and application of enamel

3 Benefits to a manicure Improves nail condition and growth
Helps to prevent nails from splitting Improves circulation (Buffing) Cuticles are softened and helps prevent them from growing up the nail plate and becoming dehydrated. Softens the surrounding skin Enhances overall appearance which will improve client confidence Relaxing

4 What do you know about manicure?
How many of you have had a manicure in a salon? What did you think of your experience? What was the best part of your treatment? Was there any part of the treatment you didn’t enjoy? Could your experience have been better in any way?

5 Contra-indications that prevent nail treatment
Ringworm Warts Whitlow Paronychia / onychia Scabies Severe eczema Severe psoriasis Dermatitis Onycholysis (nail separation) Open cuts, abrasion and wounds Diabetes (letter from GP)

6 Contra-indications that restrict a nail treatment
Bitten nails Bruised nail (not severe) Eczema Psoriasis Minor nail damage

7 Disorders of the nail Beau’s nails: Horizontal (transverse) depressions in the nail plate that run parallel to the shape of the white moon shape portion of the nail bed (lunula) seen at the nail’s origin. As the nail grows, the beau’s lines can disappear. It is often caused by a significant illness or trauma to the client. Leuconychia: is usually caused by trauma to the nail or it could be air bubbles, as the nail grows the spots will eventually disappear.

8 Disorders of the nail A hangnail is a strip of skin that separates from the side of the cuticle. Trim the skin of the hangnail with a pair of clean cuticle nippers/scissors . Do not bite or pull at a hangnail as the skin may tear. A torn hangnail may become tender and swollen, and infection may develop (paronychia) if this is the case it cannot be worked on. Furrows are usually due to illness or injury near the nail matrix, the nails may be fragile so care should be taken when performing a treatment.

9 Disorders of the nail Disorder Description Prevent/Restrict
Onychorrhexis split or brittle nails Onychocryptosis ingrown nails Onychoptosis part or all of the nail sheds periodically and falls off the finger Onycholysis detachment of the nail from the nail bed, starting at its distal and/or lateral attachment. Onychauxis medical term for an overgrowth or thickening of the nail Onychatrophia Also known as atrophy. Wasting away of the nail; the nail loses its shine, shrinks, and falls off. Onychomycosis (tinea unguium or ringworm of the nails) – Fungal infection of the nail

10 Preparation of the work area
Preparation is the key to a professional treatment! Clean down your trolley and tools (This must be done to ensure that no cross-infection or contamination occurs) Put towels and bed roll on your trolley (Use a clean towel for each client and protect with bed roll) Prepare your trolley with equipment and tools (Ensure all materials, equipment and products are within easy reach) Make sure your working area is safe

11 Equipment needed Equipment Bin bag Towels x2 Bed roll
Bowl for hand soak Lined bowl for jewellery Lined bowl for equipment Box of tissues Cotton discs Buffer – 3way and leather Nail file Orange wood sticks Tipped orange wood sticks Barbicide jar Equipment Cuticle knife Cuticle nippers Nail clippers Nail brush Hoof stick Treatment plan Disclaimer form Nail record card Products Nail polish remover Surgical spirit Cuticle cream Cuticle remover Buffing paste Massage cream/oil Base coat Top coat Selection of nail polishes Hand soak

12 Trolley set up and enamelling
Demonstration of trolley set up Practice trolley set up (5mins) Demonstration of filing, cuticle work and polishing Practice filing, cuticle work and polishing

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