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Ch. 23: Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 23: Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 23: Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections
I. European exploration of the oceans. A. Motives. 1. Resources. 2. Direct trade with the Far East. 3. Christian missionary efforts. B. Prince Henry the Navigator (Dom Henrique) of Portugal sponsored exploration of the western coast of Africa in the early 1400s.

2 C. Europe-Asia by sea? The Portuguese!
Bartolomeu Dias sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in Vasco de Gama reached India in 1498.

3 Great Age of Exploration

4 Wind and current patterns in the world's oceans.
Page: 612

5 European exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, 1486-1498.

6 Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)


8 Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

9 II. Christopher Columbus of Genoa (Italy)
A. Hero or villain? Discoverer or invader? One certainty: the world was transformed. B. Departed from Spain in August By October 1492, he reached the Bahamas. Three three subsequent voyages: 1493, 1498, 1502.

10 C. Encountered Taino (Arawak) people on
present-day Hispaniola. D. Discovered clockwise circulation of Atlantic winds and currents.


12 III. Columbian Exchange
Europe received Americas received Potatoes Horses, Cows, Tomatoes Pigs, Wheat, Gold Sugar, Rice, Silver Smallpox, Diphtheria, Corn Scarlet Fever, Chocolate Measles, Tobacco Enslaved Africans Syphilis

13 IV. Amerigo Vespucci of Florence (Italy)
A. Voyage to the Caribbean in First to call the lands, mundus novus (new world). Hence, in the 16th C., European geographers called the new continents, the Americas. V. Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal circumnavigated the globe from 1519 to 1522.

14 Amerigo Vespucci

15 Vasco da Gama

16 Ferdinand Magellan


18 European exploration in the Pacific Ocean, 1519-1780.
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19 VI. Other important marine navigators included
Vasco de Balboa (Pacific Ocean), Vitus Bering (Bering Strait), and James Cook (Pacific Ocean islands). VII. Powerful trading companies formed such as the British East India Company and the United (Dutch) East India Company (VOC). VIII. European conquests of Southeast Asia: Spain (the Philippines) and the Dutch (Java, which is part of Indonesia).

20 Vasco de Balboa

21 Vitus Bering

22 James Cook

23 European trading posts in Africa and Asia, 1700
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24 IX. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763).
A. England and Prussia versus France, Austria, and Russia. B. First global war. Conflict in the American colonies known as the French and Indian Wars. C. Results of the war helped put Britain in a powerful world trading position.

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