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School-wide Reading Plan

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1 School-wide Reading Plan
We Reading School-wide Reading Plan

2 What is the purpose of AR
To motivate students to read Increase volume of reading To reward students for progress

3 School Wide Plan A school wide easy to use plan will help us by:
Providing consistency Making it easier on teachers to monitor Easing parents’ and students’ minds about AR expectations from year to year Allowing Librarian to work with students on making better choices in the library Increase chance of getting grants to help fund rewards

4 Individual Goals AR makes it very easy to set
Based on STAR data so good readers are challenged while strugglers are given attainable goals that don’t frustrate them and cause burn out. Program allows students to monitor their own progress (leadership skills) Librarian will conference with students to set personal goals allowing teachers more time to focus on instruction.

5 Accelerated Reader AR is one ungraded resource for students to increase volume of reading, but in no way should be THE reading program in you room Teachers will continue to use a variety of research based reading resources as part of their total reading program.

6 Library Open check out will be available to all students all day long every day of the week unless otherwise posted for special circumstances. All students will be allowed to check out up to 3 books at a time… recommend 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction in their range and 1 choice book(no restrictions on book level unless content is inappropriate for the age of child). Grades 1-4 will have scheduled weekly library class for book check out. Grades 5-8 should plan to use scheduled flex times in the library schedule to bring whole classes or send small groups for weekly book exchange.

7 Guidelines Students will have ample opportunity to go to library
Students will be given ample time to take AR quizzes All students will be given free reading time each day- not just those who finish work early or arrive early in the morning before homeroom-this model punishes some students

8 Guidelines continued Teachers should encourage Reading Reflection Journals to develop deeper comprehension of what students read and increase writing skills. Teachers should discourage mindless reading. This is where students are reading and testing on multiple books a day, but can’t remember much about what they just read. Have students make an entry in the Reading Reflection Journal before testing on a book!

9 Student rewards will be based on:
Focus on Success Student rewards will be based on: Reaching Personal Goals Focusing primarily on percentage correct 85% or higher A healthy balance of fiction and non- fiction shoot for 60/40 taking focus off of number of points earned

10 What about kids who like to read magazines and other non-AR materials
We will reward them too! Have students write reviews or blog, journal, Tweet, about what they are reading. A group of adults will randomly reward those who are effectively writing about what they are reading! Allow students time to do these activities and make QR codes to link to their published online content!

11 We Reading Readers are Leaders
We want to foster a culture of a love of reading. We all need to model reading in front of our students and share with them our excitement about what we are reading. We Reading

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