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Welcome to: First Grade Parent Information Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to: First Grade Parent Information Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to: First Grade Parent Information Night

2 Daily Schedule 9:00-9:20 Arrival/organize for the day/wake up work 9:20-9:30 Morning Meeting 9:30-11:00 Math 11:00-11:40 Writer’s Workshop 11:40-11:57 Phonics 11:57-12:32 Lunch 12:32-12:40 Quiet Time 12:40-1:55 Reader’s Workshop 1:55-2:45 Specials 2:45-3:00 Snack 3:00-3:40 Science/ Social Studies/ Health 3:45 Dismissal

3 Morning Routines Organization/Wake Up Work Kids arrive at school and either play on the playground or eat breakfast. As they come in – their routine is on the board and the goal is for them to follow it independently. Lunch choices – hot, saber, home Lunch money – home folder or online Yellow folders and red folders Library books – keep at home or leave in desk Number notebook Morning Meeting Responsive Classroom – social curriculum. We really work hard on self regulation and empathy. Calendar Morning Message and activity

4 Math *Each math time will begin in our classroom where we will cover the core content. After that lesson we will break into different groups within our classroom and your child may switch to another teacher’s class for 30 minutes of our math time. We will pre-test for different skill groups that need to be covered and kids will join a group of children that have similar needs as we try to fill gaps and extend learning. In first grade the range of skills in math is just as wide as the range of skills in reading. *There will be a math homework sheet each week to go with the weekly homework sheet. *Other ways you can help your child at home are: work on skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Practice telling time to the hour and half hour on an analog clock. Practice naming coins and counting combinations of coins. Practice addition and subtraction flash cards. You can access the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt website with the codes Sweeney 1 and Sweeney 1. The link is on the first grade website.

5 Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop follows the same mini lesson format. I will teach something I’d like kids to focus on that day, they will work on it while writing, and I will confer with a few writer’s each day about their progress. At the end of writer’s workshop, we take time to share our writing. Most children love this part!

6 Recess and Lunch! Children will play outside every day unless it is raining or below zero temp. Please dress appropriately. Lunch choices are hot lunch, Saber lunch, or lunch from home. You can add money to your child’s account online or send it in the orange folder. A lunch menu will be in the red folders at the end of each month, or it too can be found on the district website. If you are going to join your child for lunch, please let me know in the morning. Arrive at 12:10 and check in at the office and wait for your child to come in by the gym.

7 Reader’s Workshop Balanced Literacy -Whole group mini lesson (core instruction) followed by individual practice -Read to self with just right books -Small group reading lessons

8 Science/Social Studies/Health We will alternate between these three subject areas through out the year. You will find the focus in the newsletter.

9 Weekly Homework/15 for Fun Weekly Homework In red folders you will find a weekly homework sheet along with an additional math sheet. The weekly homework sheet will have a variety of activities and for the first quarter your child should choose 3. It is due back by Friday. The math sheet should be something your child can do independently as it focuses on remembering what we’ve been working on in class. 15 for Fun Your child has been bringing home a book bag with a book in it. We are still working on selecting “just right books” but, hopefully it is getting better. Please help your child fill this calendar in each night and return it in the book bag each day. It lets me know how we are doing on book selection. Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday *15 for fun *practi ce spellin g *math sheet *15 for fun *practi ce spellin g *one choice on home work sheet *15 for fun *practi ce spellin g *one choice from home work sheet *15 for fun *practi ce spellin g *one choice from home work sheet *15 for fun

10 Weekly Homework Sheet


12 Behavior Management We are using cubes this year to help students monitor their behavior. They need to turn one in if they are having a hard time doing what is expected through out the day. At the end of the day they put them in their cube pocket and I record their color. This also is used to earn Fun Friday time each week. They can earn 5 minutes for each green day, 3 minutes for each yellow day, and they lose their time if they are on red. I will also be contacting you if they have one or zero cubes left at the end of the day. I will probably write a note in their communication folder unless I feel it is something we need to speak about in person – then I will call you.

13 Communication I will try to keep you informed in a variety of ways this year. Yellow folders Red Folders Newsletter monthly Website Call Sweeney at 496-5832/ext. 6901 Email

14 Volunteers The need for volunteers varies from class to class, but there are several opportunities that I know of already: *Field Trips *Parties *Clerical support – stapling papers, making packets, preparing projects If any of these interest you, please make sure that you have completed the district’s online volunteer form, and as soon as I get my master list – I will be contacting you as needs arise.

15 Some useful tools: You will find many things here, but if you use the pull down tab labeled schools and select Sweeney you will find things pertinent to us. The first grade page will have a lot of information and I hope to update our classroom page soon K-5 Media Page is also an excellent place to go for educational games Questions???

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